by Nicolas Lescure2012
There will not be a VMforce
by night.kameThe failure of the VMforce project and the salesforce.com-VMware partnership is a warning message to VMware and other vendors, that a strategy of a cloud enabler can be difficult: the partners that are essential for the success of such policy might decide to be competitors at some point (early or late) in the partnership.
Et nouveau revers pour les Springueux... ce n'est pas grave, ils trouveront toujours une nouvelle opportunité pour faire du bloatware.
-: an everyday story of country folk :- » VMware Player on Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat
by ballucheESX Not Responding error - Server Host Agent will not restart
by sdaclinUbuntu en salle des profs... - Blog
by sammyfisherjr2009
Script de backup de machines virtuelles VMWare
by sdaclin[all variants] Fixing VMWare Jaunty guest vmmouse support - Ubuntu Forums
by François Hodierne
aptitude install xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse mdetect