September 2010
Faites chanter votre Mac !
by nhoizeyosascript -e 'say "oh This is a silly song silly song silly song this is the silliest song ive ever ever heard So why keep you listening listening listening while you are supposed to work to work to work to work its because i hate my job hate my job hate my job its because i hate my job more than anything else No its because youve no life youve no life youve no life and you better go get one after forwarding this crap" using "cellos"'
May 2009
Une assistante personnelle pour smartphone
by Giraultises (via)Siri sera votre assistante de demain et vous accompagnera dans vos déplacements juste dans votre poche. Ce service regroupe plusieurs technologies comme la reconnaissance vocale, calculs et recherches en langage naturel, calculs sémantiques et geo-location. Voici un logiciel qui pourra rendre bien des services...
(2 marks)