February 2010
How Sir Tim Berners-Lee cut the Gordian Knot of HTML5
by marco"I agree with the WG chairs that these items -- data and canvas – are reasonable areas of work for the group. It is appropriate for the group to publish documents in this area."
Adobe is "sabotaging" HTML5??
by marco"I'm angry and depressed about the total ignorance/laziness of online "journalists" and the sheer credulity of their readers."
December 2008
TheCricLinks: Le créateur du Web montre du doigt les lenteurs de Microsoft à adopter les standards - Creator of Web spots a flaw in IE - MSNBC.com / W3C
by TheCricSVG n'est supporté sur IE que par le biais d'un viewer Adobe dont le support s'arrête le 1er janvier 2009
(5 marks)