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PUBLIC MARKS with tags w3c & svg


Internet Explorer 9: Testing Center

by Spone (via)
This website contains several collections of test pages that were developed in conjunction with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) working groups. These tests make it possible to validate a browser's compliance with specific web standards.


Raphaël—JavaScript Library

by tehu & 13 others

Raphaël is a small JavaScript library that should simplify your work with vector graphics on the web. If you want to create your own specific chart or image crop and rotate widget, for example, you can achieve it simply and easily with this library.

Raphaël uses the SVG W3C Recommendation and VML as a base for creating graphics.

Reinventing Fire » Platform Games

by tehu, 1 comment

HTML5 is not a technical achievement, it’s a social movement.

Laissé dans le noir par Adobe, Doug Schepers (Mr SVG au W3C) voit de la lumière dans la pièce d'à côté.



Timeline of Web Browsers

by -Nicolas- & 8 others, 2 comments (via)
Une charte historique des navigateurs Web


SVGround : cours SVG

by -Nicolas- & 1 other
SVGround est un site mettant à votre disposition des cours sur SVG (version 1.1) les plus complets possibles. L'objectif initial est de mettre en ligne des cours hexaustifs sur cette spécification. SVG est le language de dessin vectoriel crée et promu par le W3C.

More W3C controversy

by tehu & 1 other
Sachem David Baron a parlé. Et en tire les conclusions : pragmatique, même si cela tend vers la fin d'un Web unifié “as we would love to”.

Hixie's Natural Log: SVG Tiny 1.2 in Candidate Wreckommendation stage

by tehu
"I'll let you draw your own conclusions." => The SVG group need holidays ? (sorry, I'm french)

SVG's XML Binding Language (sXBL)

by rogerwaggener (via)
This working draft describes SVG's XML Binding Language (sXBL). sXBL is a mechanism for defining the presentation and interactive behavior of elements described in a namespace other than SVG's. sXBL is intended to be used to enable XML vocabularies (tag sets) to be implemented in terms of SVG elements. For instance, a tag set describing a flowchart could be mapped to low-level SVG path and text elements, possibly including interactivity and animation.


Recommandation SVG1 du W3C en version française

by -Nicolas- & 3 others
Cette spécification définit les fonctions et la syntaxe des Graphiques Vectoriels Adaptables (SVG), un langage de description en deux dimensions des graphiques vectoriels et vectoriels/bitmap mixtes en XML.


On implementing SVG : Matt May's response to Dave H.

by tehu & 1 other
You know that a KSVG engine exists, don't you ?

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag w3c

api +   file +   file api +   files +   upload +  

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