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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & upload


Coquelicot — "one-click" file sharing with a focus on privacy

by oseres (via)
Coquelicot — /kɔ.kli.ko/ — is a “one-click” file sharing web application with a focus on protecting users’ privacy. Basic principle: users can upload a file to the server, in return they get a unique URL which can be shared with others in order to download the file. Coquelicot aims to protect, to some extent, users and system administrators from disclosure of the files exchanged from passive and not so active attackers.



Droopy Creates Instant Servers for Large File Trading - Web apps - Lifehacker

by ghis (via)
Windows/Mac/Linux: Droopy is a Python script that creates a miniature, one-shot web server that lets anyone upload files through a web page straight to your computer, no matter the size.


JQuery File Upload Plugin Script - JQuery File Upload Script - Uploadify

by Xavier Lacot & 7 others
Uploadify is a jQuery plugin that allows the easy integration of a multiple (or single) file uploads on your website


NAS Uploader, accueil upload multifichiers en flash et/ou Ajax - multiple file uploader

by camel & 1 other (via)
NAS Uploader est une solution open source d'upload multifichiers utilisant la technologie Flash et adaptable à toute plateforme web. Cette application est née du constat qu'il était difficile de trouver sur le web un système d'upload multifichiers simple à mettre en place, fiable et compatible avec la majorité des navigateurs.

smush it!

by vrossign & 7 others
* You can upload a bunch of pictures in your browser * You can provide us with a list of image urls or * You can get a Firefox Extension to optimize the images found on any web page Saving bytes has never been so easy - you point us in the right direction, and we'll do the rest for you. A

Podcast Generator - Open Source Podcast Publishing Solution

by damdec & 5 others
Podcast Generator is a free web based podcast publishing script written in PHP: upload media files (audio-video) via a web form along with episode information and automatically create podcast w3c-compliant feed including iTunes specific tags. It also features a comprehensive web administration.

Panda - Open source video platform

by camel & 2 others
Panda is an open source solution for video uploading, encoding and streaming. Unlike other video platforms, Panda is not just a service for encoding your videos for the web; Panda handles the whole process. From the upload form to streaming, Panda takes control. By providing an elegant REST API, Panda makes it completely painless to implement full video uploading, encoding and streaming functionality to your web application in a matter of hours. * Runs completely within Amazon's Web Services utilising EC2, S3 and SimpleDB. * Everything contained within one elegant Merb application. * Support for the numerous encoding profiles FFmpeg supports including FLV, h264 for Flash a iPhone formats. * Panda gem for painless integration with Ruby on Rails and Merb. * Lovely little admin dashboard for managing your videos.

PDF Hammer - Free Web Based PDF Editor

by lecyborg & 13 others
PDF Hammer is a website that allows you to edit your PDF files online for free. You don't need to install any additional software, you can edit PDF documents right now inside your browser. Once you start, you will be able to upload one or more PDF files into your project, arrange the pages in any order you wish, and delete any pages you don't want. For example, you can create a PDF document that has the cover page of one PDF file, followed by all of the pages of another PDF file, and finally followed by the back-cover page of the first file.


Upload files using flash and javascript - SWFUpload

by hobbes
un script et un swf pour uploader plusieurs fichiers d'un coup avec gestion d'une file d'attente, etc

digitarald » FancyUpload

by hobbes & 9 others (via)
Swf meets Ajax for beautiful uploads. The release of the long awaited MooTools upload widget thats allows queued multiple-file upload including progress bars. Try it out, the unobtrusive file-input replacement.

Online zip - custom php script

by Jayant & 1 other
Online zip is very good php script that allows users to add files to a zip online and than it send the archive to and e-mail address, Must try it once.

senduit | Share easily.

by lecyborg & 18 others
Un autre service d'upload de fichier plutôt épuré


G-Share - Stock&Share

by oseres (via)
n de membres... Flickr est l'un des phénomènes marquants d'Internet en 2005. L'idée principale étant de partager ses photos, l'internaute est invité à «tagger» ses clichés, c'est-à-dire à leur donner des étiquettes ou mots-clefs («genève», «chat», «lausanne-sport», etc.). A lui de choisir lesquelles sont visibles par n'importe qui, et lesquelles sont destinées à un cercle restreint d'internautes – actuellement, plus de 80% des photos sont publiques. Parmi ses fonctionnalités, un petit outil de messagerie pour être alerté lorsque l'on reçoit un commentaire sur l'un de ses clichés - la possibilité de coller des petites étiquettes virtuelles sur les photos pour y apporter des commentaires précis - une fonction RSS permettant de connaître en direct l'actualité d'albums amis - possibilité d'exporter ses albums vers n'importe quel site web - un module pour visionner des albums en diaporama. Adresse du site Commenter (2 commentaire(s)) Lire la suite...

Sourceforge Project Of The Day » Blog Archive » Project: iFolder

by isiah
Sourceforge Project Of The Day - iFolder (FTP Alternative; web-based php file & folder maniuplation) i.e. web-based file manager

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag web

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