Website Designs and Applications | Graphics / Corporate Identity | Banners | Team Creatives.Com
by oulaoupsPortfolios of Website designs and applications, graphics designs, corporate identity and banners.
Professional On The Web, una risorsa per web agency e freelance
by siusA portfolio directory for Web Agencies and Freelancers who want to manage a quickly showcase of their projects.
Professional on the Web
by alessani & 4 others (via)Professional on the web is a directory where web agencies and freelancers can list their profiles and easily manage showcase of their projects. Users can search web professionals by tag and also rate projects instantly. No need to register or sign in.
You can subscribe to the ever increasing list of designers and projects being added to Professional on the web via RSS
modulix : Agence Internet - Accueil
by fredbird & 1 otherweb-agency, hebergement, logiciels libre en scop
Bearstech / Accueil
by fredbird & 1 otherSociété Coopérative de services et de conseil en logiciel libre, SSLL, Bearstech propose des services d'expertise, de gestion de projet et de développement
IDEALX.com - Partenaire open source des grands comptes et administrations
by fredbird & 1 otherune entreprise proposant des solutions open-source
(12 marks)