public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags web2.0 & blogs

November 2008

Contextual Discussions - The most important feature of

by dhiraj
The best thing about collaborating via comments is the fact that the comments always remain attached to the content (or the context) of the stuff that you were working on. Its always search-able and reference-able by any body else that is interested in or joins the team.

June 2008

Color Box Widget

by zerowww
Add this cool color design widget to your blog.

May 2008

Blogging 2.0 and Professional Blogging

by springnet
The reality is that Web 2.0 is finally catching up to blogging. The walled gardens of singular blogs are making way to social interaction across multiple platforms. @shey thanks to tim shey for the pointer to this on his blog

March 2008

The Social - CNET

by springnet
Caroline McCarthy's sxsw blog . . . see also my video of Caroline performing as a rock star at Austin's Cedar Street Courtyard along with Leah Culver, Zadi Diaz, Veronica Belmont and Casey Mckinnon

February 2008

November 2007

October 2007

We | discover the world - Reiseportal und -community

by giselher (via)
Die Reisecommunity We | discover the world ist eine Gemeinschaft für Reisebegeisterte mit übersichtlicher Navigation und zahlreichen Funktionen. Neben der Möglichkeit kostenlos sein eigenes Reiseprofil anzulegen, gibt es verschiedene Fotogalerien mit thematischen Alben und einem Kommentar und Bewertungsbereich, Blogs, Forum, Eventkalender, Downloadbereich und vieles mehr zum interaktiven Erfahrugsaustausch. Neu integriert wurde auch ein Portalbereich mit einer stetig wachsenden Anzahl Links zu interessanten Sites rund um das Thema Reisen. Für die Reiseplanung gibt es in den Service- und Guide Bereichen viele Infos und Tipps zur Vorbereitung. Ein Besuch lohnt sich - frei nach dem Motto der Site: We | discover the world together!

TouchGraph | Products: Google Browser

by lukeslytalker
Use this free Java application to explore the connections between related websites.

September 2007

The Mullet Strategy - Featured on BuzzFeed

by lukeslytalker
The biggest sites on the web are all embracing the "mullet strategy" - business up front, party in the back! User generated content is all the rage but most of it totally sucks.

August 2007

Blogified - A weblog about Imified

by springnet
we were able to integrate most Pownce features into a new IMified widget. To add the widget just select the “My Account” option in your IMified menu and click the link provided to access the widget directory.

May 2007

NEWSeR, concentré d'information

by skippy & 1 other
Toute l'actualité (presse, forums, blogs, etc) concentré dans un seul site pour des recherches rapides et efficaces.

Juras Vetrau. Блог о веб-разработках

by jvetrau
Менеджер проектов и проектировщик пользовательских интерфейсов. Специализация на веб-разработках — веб-приложениях, интернет- и интранет-системах, порталах и, периодически, средней руки сайтах.

April 2007

Widgetsphere: New Playground For Marketers

by springnet
f you're in the online marketing game and are not yet hip to widgets, listen up. Two emerging Web 2.0 technology firms focused in this space have a message for you. Those companies are Widgetbox and ClearSpring, both of which presented in a session on Tu

March 2007

Bush is Committed - Politics & Government Jokes - JibJab

by Gizmoz & 1 other (via)
Joke Originally Submitted by: aasimpy. "I made this over at - took a few minutes, and then I added in the flash bulbs and other audio fx on my own. The joke was from Letterman."

February 2007

Active users

last mark : 18/11/2008 09:43

last mark : 08/06/2008 00:39

last mark : 20/05/2008 13:28

last mark : 22/02/2008 05:49

last mark : 08/11/2007 13:19

last mark : 24/10/2007 12:33

last mark : 23/10/2007 18:15

last mark : 03/10/2007 02:31

last mark : 05/09/2007 03:19

last mark : 17/05/2007 17:15

last mark : 15/05/2007 14:21

last mark : 29/03/2007 02:06

last mark : 28/03/2007 03:59

last mark : 02/03/2007 13:32

last mark : 28/02/2007 22:29

last mark : 26/02/2007 15:40