public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags windows & agrégateur

February 2007

Newzie, your feature-rich news aggregator

by parmentierf & 2 others (via)
Newzie is a news aggregator, which can be used to monitor RSS and ATOM formatted feeds, as well as normal webpages.

July 2006

Entertainment for Windows Mobile devices

by apotek (via)
Enjoy thousands of mobile media channels: Blogs, News, Radio, Music and Video Podcasts on your Windows Mobile device. Hubdog combines a streamlined RSS reader/aggregator, podcast player, a unique search engine, and channels that can be shared among community members and synced with Internet Explorer and Firefox desktop web browsers. Play, find, share, publish, discover, and enjoy fresh infotainment & entertainment content across unlimited media channels accessible wherever you go either online or offline !

Active users

last mark : 12/02/2007 08:33

last mark : 07/09/2006 18:21