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PUBLIC MARKS with tags wordpress & google








wordpress-geo-mashup - Project Hosting on Google Code

by simon_bricolo & 1 other
This plugin lets you save location information with posts, pages, and other WordPress objects. These objects can then be presented on interactive Google maps in many ways.

Google Analytics for WordPress version 4 - Yoast

by mozkart (via)
Google Analytics has gotten so many new features in the last year, that the only way I could incorporate those into my Google Analytics plugin, which has been downloaded 1,006,720 times, was by doing an almost complete rewrite. That’s why today, I’m proud to announce version 4.0 of this plugin. What’s new with this Google Analytics plugin? Asynchronous tracking First of all, this new version 4.0 switches to the new asynchronous tracking method. This new tracking was also the reason it took a while to get this version out the door: there were quite a few bugs to work out; tracking by the beta was not reliable for a while. What’s the advantage of the new tracking you ask? Why bother switching? Well, there are three reasons, as listed by the Google Analytics blog: Faster load times for your web pages due to improved browser execution of the tracking code. Enhanced data collection & accuracy. Elimination of tracking errors from dependencies when the JavaScript hasn't fully loaded. If you want to know more about asynchronous scripts, check out this blog post by Steve Souders, in which he explains the concept and what it means for page load times. The short version: a normal script blocks other objects on your page, like images, from being loaded until it has been fully loaded. An asynchronous script allows for those other objects to be downloaded at the same time. Custom Variables Google launched the custom variable support in October 2009, and I’ve been playing with ways to use these in tracking ever since. Custom variables are a way to add data about the current page, the current session or the current user in your tracking, which you can use for some very cool things.

Projet Manhattan 2.0 : les Etats-Unis préparent-ils la bombe libre ? | ReadWriteWeb France

by sammyfisherjr
"Il faut se rendre à l’évidence, face au clan des nations qui censurent semble se mettre en place une coalition faite d’entreprises, d’un Etat, et d’ONG bien décidées à tout faire pour sabrer toute tentative de censure."

1er Twunch Metz « La Moselle sur le web

by kemar
RT @Passyr: #TWM 1er #twunch #Metz infos ici -- inscriptions ici (19 participants) RT PLZ [from]

Flickr sur Twitter « Flickr Blog

by kemar
RT @diskette: Twitter sur Flickr , bloguez et twittez vos photos directement depuis votre compte flickr >> ! :-) [from]


Comment intégrer Google Custom Search Engine à son blog

by mozkart (via)
Si vous utilisez WordPress comme moteur de blog, vous avez certainement dû vous rendre compte que le système de recherche intégré est assez médiocre au niveau de la pertinence des résultats. Alors pourquoi ne pas utiliser la puissance du moteur de Google pour notre blog ? C’est possible avec Google Custom Search Engine. Vous proposerez ainsi de meilleurs résultats de recherche à vos lecteurs tout en ayant la possibilité de générer des revenus supplémentaires car il est possible de coupler Google Custom Search Engine avec Google AdSense.

Google Analyticator |

by simon_bricolo & 2 others
Google Analyticator adds the necessary JavaScript code to enable Google Analytics logging on any WordPress blog. This eliminates the need to edit your template code to begin logging. Google Analyticator also includes several widgets for displaying Analytics data in the admin and on your blog.

Google Open Source Blog: Export a Git Project to Google Code

by piouPiouM
Marche à suivre pour utiliser Google Code en tant que miroir d'un projet Git.

Google-blog-converters-appengine |

by simon_bricolo & 2 others
open source project that can take blogs from most popular platforms and convert them to other popular ones.

google-blog-converters-appengine - Google Code

by srcmax & 2 others
This project contains a number of converters to and from different Blog services. The code is written in Python with scripts to execute the conversions either on the command-line, through a Windows batch script, or hosted on Google App Engine.

wpng-calendar - Google Code

by delavigne & 1 other (via)
The Wordpress Google calendar plugin allows for the integration of a Google calendar into a Wordpress blog.

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