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PUBLIC MARKS with tags xml & développement


XMLmind XML Editor

by rmaltete & 4 others
XMLmind XML Editor allows to author large, complex, modular, XML documents. It makes it easy mastering XML vocabularies such as DocBook or DITA. More »


XML-RPC Home Page

by Emaux & 6 others
What is XML-RPC? It's a spec and a set of implementations that allow software running on disparate operating systems, running in different environments to make procedure calls over the Internet. It's remote procedure calling using HTTP as the transport and XML as the encoding. XML-RPC is designed to be as simple as possible, while allowing complex data structures to be transmitted, processed and returned

XML Copy Editor

by rmaltete
XML Copy Editor is a fast, free, validating XML editor. # DTD/XML Schema/RELAX NG validation # XSLT # XPath # Pretty-printing # Syntax highlighting # Folding # Tag completion # Tag locking # Tag-free editing # Spelling and style check # Built-in support for XHTML, XSL, DocBook and TEI # Lossless import and export of Microsoft Word documents (Windows only)


Kenny blog

by Neithysk
Blog developpeur flash php xml et graphiste

ToutEstFacile ! Le site pour apprendre simplement et efficacement

by kamquebec & 1 other
Du PHP avec PHP Facile ! Du SQL avec SQL Facile ! Du XML avec XML Facile !

OpenLaszlo | the premier open-source platform for rich internet applications

by stan & 31 others
OpenLaszlo is an open source platform for creating zero-install web applications with the user interface capabilities of desktop client software. OpenLaszlo programs are written in XML and JavaScript and transparently compiled to Flash and, with OpenLaszlo 4, DHTML. The OpenLaszlo APIs provide animation, layout, data binding, server communication, and declarative UI. An OpenLaszlo application can be as short as a single source file, or factored into multiple files that define reusable classes and libraries. OpenLaszlo is "write once, run everywhere." An OpenLaszlo application developed on one machine will run on all leading Web browsers on all leading desktop operating systems.



DXS : Schémas XML - Développement -Ressources Spip-Agora Clever Age

by kasi77
La version 1.4 Alpha 9 de SPIP-Agora permet de génére et consommer des articles au format XML

NuSOAP API Documentation

by sdaclin
[EN] Documentation de l'API NuSOAP pour mettre en place des web services en PHP - Building Web Services Using NuSOAP Toolkit

by sdaclin
[EN] Très bon article qui explique pas à pas comment mettre en place un web service en PHP en utilisant la librairie NuSOAP

Developer Webwatch : votre agrégateur va adorer ;-) - Standblog - Tristan Nitot sur les standards du W3C, les navigateurs et la technologie

by cherbourg & 1 other (via)
Developer Webwatch de la Mozilla Foundation (il y a bien sûr un Flux RSS2 WebWatch). WebWatch aborde les sujets du développement Web façon 2.0 (faute de trouver un meilleur nom) : Ajax, standards, technologies XML, etc.

Developer Webwatch : votre agrégateur va adorer ;-) - Standblog - Tristan Nitot sur les standards du W3C, les navigateurs et la technologie

by nhoizey & 1 other (via)
Developer Webwatch de la Mozilla Foundation (il y a bien sûr un Flux RSS2 WebWatch). WebWatch aborde les sujets du développement Web façon 2.0 (faute de trouver un meilleur nom) : Ajax, standards, technologies XML, etc.


by PiTiLeZarD
Blog d'un développeur info contenant une mine d'informations sur différents langages informatiques ainsi que .

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag xml

(x)html +   apache +   color +   css +   doc +   fonts +   javascript +   pdf +   perl +   rdf +   web +  

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