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PUBLIC MARKS with tags yahoo & microsoft


by kemar
Lu sur Glazblog à propos de Webkit : "there's a high probability Steve Ballmer is currently breaking a few chairs" :) [from]

A deal between Microsoft and Yahoo!: Bingoo! | The Economist

by rax262
The world’s biggest software firm and web portal team up to challenge Google

Yahoo committed seppuku today

by marco
"Oh, you like my house and you're willing to pay double what I paid for it? Did I mention I just redid the kitchen, bought the lot next door and put in a newHVAC system?" How much is it worth to you now? That's gangster CEO-level poker playing

It's Finally Official, Microsoft & Yahoo Make A Deal, Yahoo Gives Up On Search

by marco
Microsoft will acquire an exclusive 10 year license to Yahoo!’s core search technologies, and Microsoft will have the ability to integrate Yahoo! search technologies into its existing web search platforms

It's Official: Microsoft and Yahoo Announce Search Deal

by marco
Énorme : "In a taped video statement Microsoft's CEO Steve Ballmer argues that the agreement will bring choice back to consumers"


Yahoo! envisage de s'allier à Google contre Microsoft, BOURSE

by srcmax (via)
ahoo! pourrait étudier une alliance professionnelle avec son concurrent Google comme possible moyen de défense face à l'offre lancée sur lui par Microsoft, apprend-on lundi 4 février 2008 de source proche de la stratégie de Yahoo. Ce dernier s'estime sous-évalué par l'OPA non sollicitée de 44,6 milliards de dollars annoncée vendredi par le géant du logiciel, ont ajouté deux sources dimanche. Dans le cadre d'un partenariat avec Google, Yahoo! pourrait utiliser les services de recherche sur internet de son concurrent.

Official Google Blog: Yahoo! and the future of the Internet

by srcmax & 1 other (via)
So Microsoft's hostile bid for Yahoo! raises troubling questions. This is about more than simply a financial transaction, one company taking over another. It's about preserving the underlying principles of the Internet: openness and innovation.

BBC NEWS | Business | Microsoft wants to purchase Yahoo

by srcmax
Microsoft has offered to buy the search engine company Yahoo for $44.6bn (£22.4bn) in cash and shares.

TechCrunch en français » [fr] WOW. Microsoft veut racheter Yahoo pour 44.6 Milliards de Dollars. Live Blogging

by srcmax, 2 comments (via)
Ca va être LA nouvelle du jour et certainement de la décennie. On apprend que Microsoft vient de faire une offre de rachat à Yahoo. : Microsoft présente une offre de rachat de Yahoo! pour 44,6 milliards de dollars - Technologies

by parmentierf & 1 other
Le géant américain des logiciels Microsoft a annoncé, vendredi 1er février, avoir fait une offre sur le groupe Internet Yahoo! d'une valeur de 44,6 milliards de dollars, dans le but de contester la domination de Google sur le marché de la publicité en ligne.


Yahoo! Widgets - Blog

by nhoizey & 3 others
The world of Widgets has changed a lot since Konfabulator came along back in 2003, when it was the only option of its kind for developers. Since then, similar offerings have emerged from several places, including Apple, and tomorrow, Microsoft as part of Vista. It has grown to such a point that Newsweek is proclaiming 2007 as the Year of the Widget.

2006 - Home

by chiunam & 16 others
Google, Yahoo!, MS 都支持的 sitemap protocol

Google, Microsoft, Yahoo Acquisitions

by srcmax & 5 others (via)
Frise historique des rachats par Yahoo, Google et Microsoft

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