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PUBLIC MARKS with tags yui & javascript


Introducing Yeti: The YUI Easy Testing Interface » Yahoo! User Interface Blog (YUIBlog)

by ghis (via)
"Yeti is a command-line tool for launching JavaScript unit tests in a browser and reporting the results without leaving your terminal. Yeti is designed to work with existing unmodified YUI-based tests. Yeti is designed to help you run tests before you commit. It compliments existing CI tools like Selenium and Hudson which run tests post-commit. Yeti is not a replacement for those tools."



Yahoo UI vs JQuery : quel framework Javascript pour vos applications Web 2.0 ?

by daxlebo
Yahoo UI et JQuery sont deux frameworks Javascript qui simplifient la gestion d'Ajax, la mise en place d'interfaces clients riches et les interactions au sein des pages Web. La ressemblance s'arrête là. Car c'est un peu comme si on comparait une multinationale à la start-up du coin (comme leurs créateurs d'ailleurs). A ma gauche, YUI, solide, bien structuré, dont chaque extension est calibrée à la ligne de code près ; à ma droite, JQuery, rapide, dynamique, et doté d'une armada d'extensions de qualité très variable. Petite revue de détail.

The Lightbox Clones Matrix « planetOzh

by holyver & 21 others (via)
Comparison of various scripts that display images and other objects in somehow cool CSS popups

How to build a cross-browser history management system - Tales from the Evil Empire

by greut

The main trick that history managers use is to have the browser believe the user navigated to a new url without the current page and all its JavaScript and DOM state being thrown away. The only part of the url that enables such a thing is the hash part. The hash part is what comes at the end of the url after a pound (#) sign. The original intent of this part of the url was to allow for navigation inside of the document. You would put a special named, href-less anchor tag in your document, and then navigating to #nameOfTheAnchor would just scroll the anchor into view. The page doesn't get reloaded, but it does enter the browser history.

YUI Browser History Manager does that for you, but lack of documenting how it works under the hood.


Protoscript - Home

by greut

Protoscript is a simplified scripting language for creating Ajax style prototypes for the Web.

for jQuery or YUI, great work.

YUI Library Examples: Container Family: Simple Tooltip Example

by Simay
parceque les attributs title sont parfois trop courts.... et non persistants...

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