October 2005
June 2005
est-ce une bonne estimation ?
May 2005
Fisherman's Friends - KILL KILLI
by 2 others (via)Killi GO HOME ! REMOVE from Blogmarks will be the next stickerz propaganda
lol ;)
blogmarks-junior on Flickr
... mais pourquoi mes photos n'apparaissent pas dans le tag "blogmarkspropaganda" ???!
Fisherman killi
by 1 other (via)ça sent un peu trop le poisson sur blogmarks.net /// un problème de marée ou est-ce le réchauffement de la planète qui fait fait que le vase déborde ?
ANTISOCIAL tu perds ton sang froid ?
April 2005
by 8 others (via)URL Tagging, les concurrents de Blogmarks : Bag of urls, Del.icio.us, De.lirio.us, Feedmarker, Feed Me Links!, Flying Bookmarks, Frassle, Furl, Hyperlinkomatic, Jots, Linkroll, OpenBM, Scuttle, Searchfox, Simpy, Spurl, StumbleUpon, Tagsy, Unalog
Tableau comparatif des sites de signets sociaux
by 9 othersUn document excellent pour faire son choix ! (.pdf)
March 2005
Hot Links items have now a shortlink "copy to blogmarks"
by 28 others (via)by ze wonderful team... oké oké
Blogmarks.net API
by 5 others"We're proud to announce the first release of our API. It's an implementation of the Atom API so i'ts pure HTTP + XML. In fact, Building an Atom enabled linkblog service was the first motivation in the blogmarks.net project."
(13 marks)