public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Emaux with tag plugin

February 2009

QLPlugins - Quick Look Plugins is a repository for Quick Look Plugins, which are available only for Mac OS X 10.5. In addition, I seek to provide information for developers seeking to create QuickLook Plugins and to power users looking to use QuickLook more effectively. If you have developed a QuickLook Plugin and would like for it to appear on this website or are aware of any QuickLook Plugins I have missed, send an e-mail

January 2009

June 2008

Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API (LADSPA)

by 2 others
LADSPA is a standard that allows software audio processors and effects to be plugged into a wide range of audio synthesis and recording packages. For instance, it allows a developer to write a reverb program and bundle it into a LADSPA "plugin library." Ordinary users can then use this reverb within any LADSPA-friendly audio application. Most major audio applications on Linux support LADSPA.

Flux:: sound and picture development

Flux:: sound and picture development is a French company involved in pro audio and picture development. We’re a new player in the plug-in business. Why founding a new company into this over-crowded domain? We, Flux:: people, believe there is always a place for excellence. Our design is focused on the human element. Senses are bridges between reality and consciousness, between the real world and the imaginary one. We have chosen the best for ears and eyes to free your creativity. We are also aware of the productions short time demand, that’s why, every Flux:: plug-in feature a morphing slider between presets that allows users an ultra-fast operation even for plug-ins including many parameters. We haven’t chosen between simplicity and sophistication. We think, you need both.

Emaux's TAGS related to tag plugin

audio +   freeware +   linux +   logiciels +   mac +   musique +   Synthèse sonore +   vst +