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PUBLIC MARKS from Emaux with tag python




Plongez au coeur de Python

Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Mark Pilgrim Copyright © 2001 Xavier Defrang Copyright © 2004 Jean-Pierre Gay Copyright © 2004, 2006 Alexandre Drahon Les évolutions de cet ouvrage (et de sa traduction française) sont disponibles sur le site Si vous le lisez ailleurs, il est possible que vous ne disposiez pas de la dernière version. Permission vous est donnée de copier, distribuer et/ou modifier ce document selon les termes de la Licence GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 ou ultérieure publiée par la Free Software Foundation, sans Sections Invariables, ni Textes de Première de Couverture, ni Textes de Quatrième de Couverture. Une copie de la licence est incluse en Annexe G, GNU Free Documentation License. Les programmes d'exemple de ce livre sont des logiciels libres, vous pouvez les redistribuer et/ou les modifier selon les termes de la licence Python publiée par la Python Software Foundation. Une copie de la

NodeBox | Home

NodeBox is a Mac OS X application that lets you create 2D visuals (static, animated or interactive) using Python programming code and export them as a PDF or a QuickTime movie. NodeBox is free and well-documented.

pyo - Python digital signal processing module. - Google Project Hosting

pyo is a Python module written in C to help digital signal processing script creation. pyo is a Python module containing classes for a wide variety of audio signal processing types. With pyo, user will be able to include signal processing chains directly in Python scripts or projects, and to manipulate them in real time through the interpreter. Tools in pyo module offer primitives, like mathematical operations on audio signal, basic signal processing (filters, delays, synthesis generators, etc.), but also complex algorithms to create sound granulation and others creative audio manipulations. pyo supports OSC protocol (Open Sound Control), to ease communications between softwares, and MIDI protocol, for generating sound events and controlling process parameters. pyo allows creation of sophisticated signal processing chains with all the benefits of a mature, and wildly used, general programming language. Systems : OS X (10.5, 10.6, 10.7), linux, Windows (XP, Vista, Seven)

OverviewBanners2 (Field)

Field is a development environment for experimental code and digital art in the broadest of possible senses. While there are a great many development environments and digital art tools out there today, this one has been constructed with two key principles in mind: Embrace and extend — rather than make a personal, private and pristine code utopia, Field tries to bridge to as many libraries, programming languages, and ways of doing things as possible. The world doesn't necessarily need another programming language or serial port library, nor do we have to pick and choose between data-flow systems, graphical user interfaces or purely textual programming — we can have it all in the right environment and we can both leverage the work of others and take control of our own tools and methods. Live code makes anything possible — Field tries to replace as many "features" with editable code as it can. Its programming language of choice is Python — a world class, highly respected and incredibly flexible language. As such, Field is intensely customizable, with the glue between interface objects and data modifiable inside Field itself. Field takes seriously the idea that its user — you — are a programmer / artist doing serious work and that you should be able to reconfigure your tools to suit your domain and style as closely as possible.


PythonInMusic - PythonInfo Wiki

This page is divided in four sections: Music software written in Python, Music software supporting Python, Music programming in Python, and a category of unsorted

Mathématiques-(licence-cpge) - Gilles DUBOIS

L'enseignement supérieur aujourd'hui ne prévoit pas une véritable remise à niveau, et les étudiants sont sommés de se débrouiller par leurs propres moyens pour actualiser leurs connaissances. Je vais m'efforcer de réaliser un site qui leur permette d'atteindre cet objectif sans trop de douleur. Les notions présentées sont illustrées par de nombreux exemples sous formes d'applets Java. Les nouvelles connaissances peuvent immédiatement être mises en pratique par la rédaction de petits programmes d'application en langage Python téléchargeables directement par copier-coller. Je vais essayer de proposer quelque chose de plus vivant en rédigeant un cours au format html natif, incluant pour un maximum d'interactivité des programmes Javascript et des appliquettes Java.

python-twitter - Project Hosting on Google Code

by 1 other
This library provides a pure python interface for the Twitter API.


Découverte sur BioloGeek, l'avis d'un freelance passionné par le web et son évolution.

by 10 others
Ce site a évolué avec mes centres d'intérêts pour graviter aujourd'hui autour des frameworks web, de l'ergonomie, du web sémantique, de python et plus généralement du développement web agile et pérenne.

The Python Runtime Environment - Google App Engine - Google Code

App Engine applications can be implemented using the Python programming language. The App Engine Python runtime environment includes a specialized version of the Python interpreter, the standard Python library, libraries and APIs for App Engine, and a standard interface to the web server layer.

Google App Engine - Google Code

Run your web apps on Google's infrastructure.

Site de Pilot Systems dédié à nos supports de cours — Supports de cours Pilot Systems

Pilot Systems intervient dans différentes écoles d'ingénieurs informatique pour donner des cours, notamment concernant Python, Zope et Plone. La formation permet de doter les étudiants d'un bagage technique large, facilitant leur insertion dans le monde du travail.

Dive Into Python

Traductions de « Dive Into Python - Python from novice to pro »

flexatone h.f.p. | Christopher Ariza | Computer Music

by 1 other
Computer music includes open-source and/or free software for algorithmic composition, interactive composition, and utilities for music production and analysis.

Peter Norvig

by 1 other
This site contains technical papers, essays, reports, software, and other materials by Peter Norvig.

Sage: Open Source Mathematics Software

by 3 others
Sage is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL. It combines the power of many existing open-source packages into a common Python-based interface.

by 11 others
Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License

The XML Bookmark Exchange Language Resource Page

by 7 others
The XML Bookmark Exchange Language, or XBEL, is an Internet "bookmarks" interchange format. It was designed by the Python XML Special Interest Group on the group's mailing list. The original intent was to create an interesting, fun project which was both useful and would demonstrate the Python XML processing software which was being developed at the time. Mark Hammond contributed the original idea, and other members of the SIG chimed in to add support for their favorite browser features. After debate which ranged far afield from the original idea, compromises were reached which allow XBEL to be a useful language for describing bookmark data for a range of browsers, including the major browsers and a number of less widely used browsers.