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PUBLIC MARKS from HandySolo with tag linux

31 December 1969 17:00

SSH Tutorial for Linux

by 2 others
This document covers SSH on the Linux Operating System and other OSes that use Openssh.

Why Linux is better

by 2 others
I guess people won`t switch to Linux because it`s free (as in free speech, they probably don`t care) or because it`s free (as in free beer, they probably think they didn`t pay for Windows), but because they see new, great features that Windows doesn`t have. So here are a few reasons why Linux rocks

Main Page - IEs4Linux

by 8 others
IEs 4 Linux Internet Explorer 6, 5.5, 5 on Linux

Pen Drive Linux » Blog Archive » Putting Damn Small Linux (DSL) on USB Pendrive

by 2 others
This walkthrough illustrates how to install Damn Small Linux (DSL) to a USB stick from windows.

VectorLinux -

VECTORLINUX is a small, fast, Linux operating system for Intel, AMD and x86 compatible systems, based on one of the original Linux distributions, Slackware.

Damn Small Linux (DSL), 50 megabytes of penguin power

by 21 others
DSL is a very versatile 50MB mini desktop oriented Linux distribution.

System recovery with Knoppix

by 1 other
System recovery with Knoppix What to do when good disks go bad

Lauri Taimila's website

by 1 other
This page is a collection of improvements to make Dapper look even better.

Tips for Linux Explorers

by 9 others
These Linux tips are meant to provide just enough information to whet your appetite for more. They are updated frequently and are not presented in any particular order.

Welcome to EasyUbuntu

by 18 others
EasyUbuntu is an easy to use (duh!) script that gives the Ubuntu user the most commonly requested apps, codecs, and tweaks that are not found in the base distribution - all with a few clicks of your mouse.

ntop - network top

by 2 others
ntop is a network traffic probe that shows the network usage, similar to what the popular top Unix command does. ntop is based on libpcap and it has been written in a portable way in order to virtually run on every Unix platform and on Win32 as well.

Upgrading Red Hat Linux/Fedora Core with yum

by 1 other
It is possible to upgrade your Red Hat Linux/Fedora Core system using yum instead of the CD/DVD-based install or upgrade option. Only experienced Red Hat/Fedora Core users should attempt this, as the yum upgrade process is not officially supported and may cause problems.

Bluefish Editor : Home

by 8 others
Bluefish is a powerful editor for experienced web designers and programmers. Bluefish supports many programming and markup languages, but it focuses on editing dynamic and interactive websites.

HandySolo's TAGS related to tag linux

browser +   desktop +   development +   distro +   editor +   emulation +   games +   hamachi +   ie +   linux advocacy +   monitor +   mp3 +   network +   novell +   opensource +   os +   portable +   reference +   security +   software +   ssh +   themes +   tips +   tutorial +   ubuntu +   usb +   utils +   vpn +   windows +   wine +   wow +   X Window +