public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Lagora with tag culture

March 2007

December 2006

October 2006

Virtual Museum Match World

Welcome to the "Match World" virtual museum! This is the museum that "Japan Match Manufacturers Association" and "Japan Match Lateral Corporation"operate. We hope you enjoy visiting our websites and get to know various things about matches. At the Match Label Corner, labels in superior designs are shown, especially selected from the collection of twenty or thirty thousand items in the Rankei Library, which is owned by Japan Match Manufacturers Association. Mr. Yutaka Kato, well-known match label collector, has helped us to institute this Match Museum. As for current matches that are shown in the site, they have been manufactured by member companies of Japan Match Manufacturers Association and Japan Match Lateral Corporation. Have a good time in the museum!


『百鬼夜行絵巻』(部分,背景黒色加工) 原在中 筆 2000年8月3日より14日までの12日間、大丸ミュージアムKOBEで『大妖怪展』が開催されました。 そこでは、絵巻物、浮世絵をはじめ、幽霊画、ミイラ、から郷土玩具、マンガに至るまで、約350点が展示されていると聞き、都会の喧騒の中では感じることの出来なくなった精神世界を求めて、ふらりと行ってまいりました。 今回初公開となりました、長久寺蔵『お菊の皿』、瑞龍寺蔵『河童のミイラ』等、特に私が惹かれたものを幾つかピックアップして紹介させて戴きました。

Keisuke Ito - 伊藤圭介文庫一覧

Keisuke Ito (1803 - 1901), a man who played an instrumental role in introducing Western medicine to Japan. In addition to estabishing a method for smallpox vaccination in Japan and helping to set up what is today known as Nagoya University, he drew numerous sketches of plant and animal specimens.

September 2006

Ghost in the Shell (philosophy)

In the year 2029, the world has become interconnected by a vast electronic network that permeates every aspect of life. That same network also becomes a battlefield for Tokyo's Public Security Section 9 police force, which has been charged with apprehending the master hacker known only as the Puppet Master. Spearheading the investigation is Major Motoko Kusanagi, who -- like many in her department -- is a cyborg officer, far more powerful than her human appearance would suggest. And yet as the Puppet Master, who is even capable of hacking human minds, leaves a trail of victims robbed of their memories, Kusanagi ponders the very nature of her existence: is she purely an artificial construct, or is there more? What exactly is the definition of human in a society where a persons mind can be copied and the body replaced with a fully synthetic body? What, exactly, is the "ghost" -- her essence -- in her cybernetic "shell"? Where is the boundary between human and machine when the differences between the two become more philosophical than physical? When Section 9 gets involved in the case, she is forced to confront these and other questions as she confronts the "Puppet Master", a being that transcends humanity and ultimately challenges Kusanagi to transcend her own self-understanding and limitations as well.

Ship of Theseus

The Ship of Theseus is a replacement paradox also known as Theseus's paradox. According to Greek legend as reported by Plutarch, "The ship wherein Theseus and the youth of Athens returned [from Crete] had thirty oars, and was preserved by the Athenians down even to the time of Demetrius Phalereus, for they took away the old planks as they decayed, putting in new and stronger timber in their place, insomuch that this ship became a standing example among the philosophers, for the logical question of things that grow; one side holding that the ship remained the same, and the other contending that it was not the same." Paraphrased, if the entire ship was replaced, piece by piece, would it be, in the end, the same ship? There is also an additional question: if the replaced parts were stored in a warehouse and later used to reconstruct the ship, which—if either—would be the original ship of Theseus?

Nature versus nurture

Nature versus nurture is a shorthand expression for debates about the relative importance of an individual's innate qualities ("nature") versus personal experiences ("nurture") in determining or causing individual differences in physical and behavioral traits. For a discussion of nature versus nurture in human universals, see also psychological nativism.

Identity and change

The relationship between identity and change in the philosophical field of metaphysics seems, at first glance, deceptively simple, and belies the complexity of the issues involved. This article explores "the problem of change and identity".


Hubris or hybris (Greek ‛′Υβρις), according to its modern usage, is exaggerated pride or self-confidence, often resulting in fatal retribution. In Ancient Greek, however, hubris referred to a reckless disregard for the rights of another person resulting in social degradation for the victim.[1]

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