March 2005
Meyerweb: WordPress Tools: WP-Gatekeeper
Plugin for WP for spam. [digg]
February 2005
Asymptomatic � How to Write a Simple WordPress Plugin
writing a simple wordpress plugin
Photo Matt � Trackback Spam
For combatting WP trackback spam.
WordPress Wiki - Multi Blog
by 1 other"Multi Blog is refered to as the ability to create, run and maintain multiple blogs from a single installation of the [wordpress] software."
January 2005
WordPress Post Teaser Plugin
written by Jonathan Leighton
Morganically Grown � MiniPosts Plugin for WordPress
"Allows you to mark entries as “mini” posts and handle them differently than normal posts."
December 2004
Dr Dave's Blog � Introducing Spam Karma
A wordpress plugin for spam protection Software > WordPress/b2 Hacks > WP Photos
A plugin for Wordpress that allows the addition of photos or other images.
WordPress Plugins Database
by 3 othersA wordpress plugin database -- I was specifically looking up the plugin.
(12 marks)