public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Riduidel with tags web & java

February 2006

September 2005

Java Map

Map of the Java world

HttpUnit Home

by 7 others
unit testing for web applications

MindRaider - Semantic Web Outliner

by 2 others
-- outliner/mindmapper software with metadata functionality

Group for User Interface Research - DENIM

by 1 other
Særdeles interessant verktøy for prototyping "DENIM supports sketching input, allows design at different refinement levels, and unifies the levels through zooming."


by 3 others
hosting java server application for free

Sorting Algorithms Demo

by 5 others
java applets that show the speed of different sorting algorithms

by 11 others
test speed connection for any PC through a Java applet

May 2005

StrutsTestCase for JUnit

by 2 others
Unit testing of Struts actions