Introducing Http::Exceptions by @smathieu - Rainforest QA Blog
If you’re using a library such as the excellent HTTParty, you still have to deal with various types of exceptions. In an ideal world, the return code of the HTTP request would be the sole indicator of failures, but HTTP libraries can raise a large number of exceptions (such as SocketError or Net::ReadTimeout) that you need to handle.
Http::Exceptions provides an easy way to rescue exceptions that get thrown by your HTTP library and a way to raise exceptions on unexpected HTTP status codes.
A List Apart: Articles: A More Useful 404
by 3 othersEncountering 404 errors is not new. Often, developers provide custom 404 pages to make the experience a little less frustrating. However, for a custom 404 page to be truly useful, it should not only provide relevant information to the user, but should also provide immediate feedback to the developer so that, when possible, the problem can be fixed.
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