public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Spone with tag projet


the Degree Confluence Project

The goal of the project is to visit each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world, and to take pictures at each location. The pictures, and stories about the visits, will then be posted here. overview The project is an organized sampling of the world. There is a confluence within 49 miles (79 km) of you if you're on the surface of Earth. We've discounted confluences in the oceans and some near the poles, but there are still 10,198 to be found. You're invited to help by photographing any one of these places. Read the Information pages, and contact us if you have questions.


The Burning House

by 1 other
If your house was burning, what would you take with you? It's a conflict between what's practical, valuable and sentimental. What you would take reflects your interests, background and priorities. Think of it as an interview condensed into one question.

The Awesome Foundation

Forwarding the interest of Awesome in the universe, $1,000 at a time.

2010 | Donnez vie aux bonnes idées - Ulule

by 1 other
Ulule vous aide à concrétiser vos idées en organisant des collectes de fonds en ligne Vos soutiens ne sont débités que si la somme que vous avez demandée est atteinte. En échange de leurs soutiens, ceux ci peuvent suivre l'évolution du projet et recevoir des récompenses personnalisées.

An Electronic Field Guide: Plant Exploration and Discovery in the 21st Century

To build a digital collection of the Smithsonian's collection of specimens, and provide means to access it with text and photos of plants, using portable computing devices in the field.

MOVIM - Plateforme Sociale Libre

Le projet MOVIM (pour My Open Virtual Identity Manager) vise à créer une plateforme sociale complète, opensource et totalement décentralisée dans le plus grand respect de ses utilisateurs

Panic Blog » The Panic Status Board

by 1 other
The idea quickly grew beyond “Project Status”, and has become a hub of all sorts of internal Panic information. What you’re actually looking at is an internal-only webpage that updates frequently using AJAX which shows: * E-Mail Queue — number of messages / number of days. * Project Status — sorry for the heavy censorship — you know how it is! * Important Countdowns * Revenue — comparing yesterday to the day before, not so insightful (yet). * Live Tri-Met Bus Arrivals — when it’s time to go home! * The Panic Calendar * Employee Twitter Messages * Any @Panic Twitter Messages — i.e., be nice! They go on our screen!


accueil [Projet BeeLive]

by 1 other
Ce projet à pour but la réflexion sur la création d'un système permettant de mettre en place BeeLive, la première distribution de Home Computing.

Cahier des charges no-box

voici un avant projet de cahier des charges pour ce projet de no-box il ne s'agit pas de figer la definition de la no-box mais d'ecrire les idees pour que d'autres puissent les lire et les ameliorer

Raindrop Design Development Page

Raindrop is an open design process in building a better, more personal and useful way of participating in your existing communications. Built on a web messaging platform designed to push the limits of browser based applications—we are a Mozilla Labs project.

Le Webnapperon

Le webnapperon reconnait les objets manipulés devant lui et affiche sur un cadre photo les contenus qui y sont associés. Il s'intègre totalement au mobilier de la personne. Il a besoin d'une prise de courant et d'une connexion au réseau. Le webnapperon est une réalisation du Centre Erasme, Mission technologies de l’information du Département du Rhône.

Trash | Track

Imagine a future where immense amounts of trash didn’t pile up on the peripheries of our cities: a future where we understand the ‘removal-chain’ as we do the ‘supply-chain’, and where we can use this knowledge to not only build more efficient and sustainable infrastructures but to promote behavioral change. In this future city, the invisible infrastructures of trash removal will become visible and the final journey of our trash will no longer be “out of sight, out of mind”.

Home : Keep-Us-Busy

A shameless self promotion, a way of indulging oursleves in our last 3 months of Uni and having fun. To collaborate, to use words, to interact, not just to design but to create. To be on constant show, to prove to the world that the creative mind is always doing


Launchpad Translations

by 1 other
Launchpad helps you build a community to translate your project into almost any language. Translators use this simple web interface to contribute translations in a wiki-style of collaboration.

Project Deploy* | Choose, Bookmark, Deploy

by 2 others, 2 comments (via)
Deploy* is a free, open source, web application which allows user to quickly deploy a web project framework with valid XHTML and CSS in only a matter of seconds.

No Kahuna

Whether at work, home, or among your friends, we help you work together on projects big and small. Simply: * Set up your project(s). * Refine and distribute tasks. * Track them as they’re completed. There’s no fuss, no unnecessary features – just an easy, intuitive and reliable way to make sure everyone does their bit.

15 Useful Project Management Tools | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine

by 2 others
There is a huge variety of project management applications out there. Most are general purpose apps, not aimed at any one industry. But there are a growing number of project management apps aimed specifically at one industry or another. Applications geared toward creative types are becoming more readily available, and some of the offerings are really quite good.


by 9 others
Collabtive est une application de gestion de projet collaborative ! * Utilisation intuitive * Projets, jalons, tâches * Système de messagerie interne * Multi-linguisme * Structure modulaire



Roman photo réalisé dans le cadre d'un projet multimédia, en DUT Services et Réseaux de Communication. Par Cécile Da Cruz, Anouk Pitat et Hans Lemuet.