13 August 2007 06:30
MapMyRun.com - Map your Running Routes. Find Runs. Calculate Calories, Pedometer, Distance, and More.
by 4 othersMapping and planning your runs has never been easier! Draw your runs, calculate mileage, count calories, share with friends, and much more!
11 August 2007 17:45
10 August 2007 13:15
by 16 othersThe geonames.org geographical database is available for download free of charge under a creative commons attribution license. It contains over eight million geographical names and consists of 6.5 million unique features whereof 2.2 million populated places and 1.8 million alternate names. All features are categorized into one out of nine feature classes and further subcategorized into one out of 645 feature codes. (more statistics ...).
The data is accessible free of charge through a number of webservices and a daily database export. Geonames.org is already serving up to over 3 million web service requests per day.
Geonames is integrating geographical data such as names of places in various languages, elevation, population and others from various sources. All lat/long coordinates are in WGS84 (World Geodetic System 1984). Users may manually edit, correct and add new names using a user friendly wiki interface.
10 August 2007 12:30
Platial enables anyone to find, create and use meaningful maps of Places that matter to them. We hope it can connect people, neighborhoods, cities and countries through a citizen-driven common context that goes beyond geopolitical boundaries. We are building it, because we adore Places.
10 August 2007 12:00
mapufacture - helping to build the geospatial web
by 1 otherMapufacture is a geo-aggregator. Find interesting feeds from blogs, photos, weather, friends, and activities. Build maps of the places you care about. Share these maps and use them on the go. Search for interesting around the world.
22 February 2007 14:15
Comparez les boucheries, boulangeries pâtisseries, traiteurs, donnez votre avis
by 7 others, 2 commentsComparez les boucheries-charcuteries, les boulangeries-pâtisseries, les épiceries, les fromageries, les poissonneries, les primeurs et les traiteurs de votre ville.
Justacôté a été lancé à la mi-février 2007. Justacôté est un site collaboratif, c'est à dire que c'est vous qui faites vivre le site en ajoutant vos adresses et en donnant votre avis.
15 February 2007 10:45
04 February 2007 10:00
Carte des expositions en cours à Paris - Artscape
by 6 othersmash-up utilisant Google Maps pour indiquer géographiquement les expos.
24 December 2006 21:00
by 8 othersEcrire un message avec des "lettres" issus des vues aériennes de Google Maps
(9 marks)