public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from YukuanMark with tag converter

October 2006

Media Convert - free and on line

by 48 others
Media-Convert is 100% free. No software is needed, and you don't have to register. You only need your favorite Internet browser. Your files are ready 7/7 days 24/24 hours.

Media Convert - free and on line

by 8 others
Media-Convert is 100% free. No software is needed, and you don't have to register. You only need your favorite Internet browser. Your files are ready 7/7 days 24/24 hours.

May 2006

µC/GUI Font Converter

Using the font converter and editor you can convert any font available on your Windows-PC into a "C"-file which can be compiled and linked with your application. This way the font can be displayed on your display using µC/GUI. Proportional fonts are supp

FNT or BMP to C Data Table converter

Font/Bitmap to C Data Table Converter

YukuanMark's TAGS related to tag converter

audio +   c +   embedded +   font +   media +   online +   programming +   table +   video +