September 2006
科學家對一位被認為是植物人的病患進行fMRI以觀測她腦部的活動,結果發現病患 的腦部似乎對言語依舊有反應。
August 2006
July 2006
大陸廣州暨南大學化學系以及依利諾大學芝加哥分校 (University of Illinois at Chicago)微生物及免疫學系的研究小組,進行以原子力顯微鏡(Atomic Force Microscopy, AFM)對紅血球的型態進行分析,以協助判斷
June 2006
Dawn of the zombies
The Our vision is building the human body on a chip," says Linda Griffith at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A living, 3D, interconnected set of tissues. The idea is to create not feeling entities but brainless mini-bodies that will be ideal fo
May 2006
Cure for cancers 'in five years'
Scientists in Manchester say a cure for all types of cancer could be available on the NHS within five years.
April 2006
Chemist discovers secret behind nature's medicines
After years of wondering how organisms managed to create self-medications, such as anti-fungal agents, chemists have discovered the simple secret.
The sixth sense your place in space
In addition to the familiar five senses—touch, sight, smell, hearing, and taste—scientists know of a sixth sense called proprioception It 's the sense of where your body is in space that allows you to touch your nose even with your eyes closed. Propri
'Closed-Heart' a Less-Invasive Alternative
Dr. Samuel Lichtenstein cut a 2-inch hole between an elderly man's ribs. Peering inside, he poked a pencil-sized wire up into the chest, piercing the bottom of the man's heart. Within minutes, Bud Boyer would have a new heart valve — without having his
January 2006
Hot sex treats common cold
Instead of isolating yourself from your loved one at the sign of a cold, a little hot sex might be just what the doctor ordered.
Medical Books - FreeBooks4Doctors
by 3 othersA variety of full text books available online and sorted by specialty. The unrestricted access to scientific knowledge will have a major impact on medical practice. This site offers free access to medical books over the Internet.
December 2005
Botswana Shows Success in Treating AIDS
Very interesting story of how AIDS is being treated in Botswana. It seems that they are now able to slow the progression of the disease down, but still are not able to stow it totally. It's a step towards a cure...
Oxidised water allows you to "breathe" underwater.
The digg story about the "dry water" also has some other side-effects. Turns out that if you oxidise this liquid a normal animal (such as a mouse) or human can easily "breathe" the liquid into their lungs and fully function. Here is an experiment on a mou | Top Stories | Health | The end of the period
(via)A new contraceptive will soon let women stop menstruating. In 2006, a new oral contraceptive called Anya, developed to "put women in control of when or if they want to menstruate," is expected to hit the Canadian and U.S. markets
BBC NEWS | Health | Green tea extract 'is cancer aid'
(via)A green tea extract may help patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Report author Tait Shanafelt said: 'Green tea has long been thought to have cancer-prevention capabilities. It is exciting that research is now demonstrating this agent may provide new hope for CLL patients.'
Breakthrough reported in HIV research
St. Louis scientists say they've determined how HIV invades healthy cells -- and that could lead to greatly improved drug therapies to fight the deadly disease....Get ready to throw away that dusty old box of condoms...
Science & Technology: news from swissinfo
(via)"Only a small daily treat of dark chocolate may substantially increase the amount of antioxidant intake and beneficially affect vascular health," the report's authors said.
by 1 other人體的免疫系統可以防禦外來病源生物侵襲,以保障人體的健康,但在人的鼻腔及咽喉裡仍有許多不同種的細菌群聚,且細菌間會彼此競爭空間及資源。美國賓夕法尼亞州大學Jeffrey N. Weiser的研究團隊發現免疫系統也會充當某細菌群聚的幫手來消滅其他的競爭者,以空出多餘的空間供該菌種擴大勢力。
透過磁振造影(MRI),加州大學洛杉磯分校研究人員認為自閉症可能歸罪於腦部的鏡像神經元系統(mirror neuron system)受損。
by 1 other依據十二月份Archives of Neurology的研究報告,將人類視網膜細胞植入腦部,可能改善帕金森氏症(Parkinson's)病人的症狀。
Scientists discover how cancer spreads - -
by 1 otherLONDON - Scientists have discovered how cancer spreads from a primary site to other places in the body in a finding that could open doors for new ways of treating and preventing advanced disease.
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