May 2011
Hellspawn: Complete Collection
(via)As a casual comic reader (mostly cherry picking the best series once collected), I’m not sure I enjoyed this collection. The artwork, while beautiful, frequently caused confusion as to who was who. It certainly set the mood, but when dialog happened I frequently couldn’t even tell who was speaking. The story, while appropriately dark and gritty, occasionally exacerbated the confusion by switching narrative approaches.
April 2011
Avengers: Nights of Wundagore
(via)It’s great to read old stories that are just as fresh as ones written today. This Avengers book will not dissapoint fans, especially since the story arc is so important to the future of the Avengers.
Blackest Night hardcovers list
(via)DC Comics will release a couple Blackest Night hardcovers every week for the next three weeks. Here’s the tentative schedule:
December 2010
Android Apps: Slot Machine Progressive
(via)Tested with Android 1.6 and above. Support multiple resolution including Android Tablet
(4 marks)