public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from alex_apac

19 January 2007 21:00

19 January 2007 20:00

Get Rid Of Those Thumbs.db Files - CyberNet News: Keeping you plugged in!

For those people with fast computers then you shouldn’t notice that much of a delay by disabling the file creation. It is really easy to do it: 1. Goto Control Panel - Folder Options - View and check the option that says “Do not cache thumbnails”. N

19 January 2007 19:00

Innovation rhymes with "inspiration"

Innovation is not a process. It’s creating an environment that helps teams of people quickly build trust and relationships. Then people have the right framework to create.

19 January 2007 18:00

19 January 2007 17:00

alex_apac's TAGS


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ajax   amazon   anita   apple   article   articles   backpack   backup   backupSP   bestof   blog   blogs   bodyhack   book   cancer   cloud   community   container   copyright   delicious   dell   design   desktop   development   diagram   doc   dvd   economics   edriveSP   elife   filesystem   flickr   free   gizmo   gtd   hardware   hosting   hub   idm   innovation   ioc   java   javascript   jax-ws   lifehack   lifehacks   linux   lucene   mac   MapReduce   marketing   mashup   maven   movies   mp3   music   NAS   neweconomy   online   oop   opensource   organization   os   osx   photography   photos   portable   portal   productivity   programming   rails   relations   remote   research   resources   s3   search   security   server   sharing   social   software   sp   storage   sun_access_manager   sync   theory   todo   tools   top   translation   ui   versioncontrol   video   vpn   web2.0   webdesign   webtop   windows   yahoo