public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from alphoenix with tag mashup

November 2009

∞tweet - infinite your tweets

by 1 other
Conserve les conversation de twitter

Flickr: Landing Around The World

Documenting the approach into airports around the world. Let's see if we can get them all covered! Flickr recognises airport codes. If you add a video to your own map, then add the video to the group, it will show up on the group map auto-magically. Also, there's separate privacy level for location info on your photos. (You might be happy to let everyone see a photo, but only let your friends know where it was taken.)

October 2009

The wraps come off! - Archive - The Dextrous Web

The site is a blend of the US’s equivalent,, and Directgov | Innovate. It’s got a listing of available data packages, powered by the Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network, and user-generated lists of apps and new ideas. This is just right: the data you need, combined with a way to promote the things you make and a place to get ideas if you’ve got itchy typing fingers but lack inspiration.

March 2009

Government API and Mashup Summary - ProgrammableWeb

Le répertoire ProgrammableWeb parcourt le champ des API et mashups pour le gouvernement.


by 58 others
Un répertoire de mashups, API et autres pour trouver son bonheur de dataporn.

by 1 other
Un mash-up extrêmement intéressant et important ! Pour contrer l'Hadopi, un laboratoire a développé un mash-up autour d'Hadopi. Pour voir où est le débat, ce qui se dit, et suivre en direct les débats à l'Assemblée Nationale.

February 2009

Map of Popular Super Bowl Words Used on Twitter

by 2 others
Une carte qui montre l'évolution des tweets pendant le SuperBowl géographiquement et chronologiquement.

December 2008

DoodleBuzz:Typographic News Explorer

by 2 others
Interface différente pour naviguer à l'intérieur des actualité en les dessinant.

alphoenix's TAGS related to tag mashup

data +   flickr +   for:luckysemiosis +   geolocalisation +   government +   hadopi +   humour +   internet +   news +   photographie +   politique +   twitter +   uk +   visualization +