November 2007
New Ajax for Old Iron
(via)In the rush to develop entirely new Web 2.0 systems based on Ajax, it is often easy to lose sight of how it can be used to improve the so-called "legacy" enterprise systems. Over at the Ext JS blog, there's a post about German developer who put together a reporting/BI application to front-end RPG code running on an AS400.
August 2007
ZK Integrates with Seam, Seasar, more
As an open source project, ZK is extremely active. It's enough to give you a warm and fuzzy feeling if you are concerned about it's long term viability.
Ext JS 1.1 Released
And it seems that just in time for my belated bandwagon scramble, Ext JS has come out with a new release, 1.1. Now you don't have to use a third party base Ajax library, though you can if you want to:
An important step in Ext’s evolution as it’s no longer a requirement that you use a 3rd-party base library when developing an application with Ext. The Ext framework will continue to include adapters for other popular libraries to allow you, the developer, to choose the most appropriate library for your project.
(3 marks)