January 2008
Book recommendation: Ajax Security by Hoffman and Sullivan
Reviewers overuse the phrase "required reading," but no other description fits the new book "Ajax Security" (2007, Addison Wesley, 470p). This exhaustive tome from Billy Hoffman and Bryan Sullivan places the specific security concerns of the Ajax programming model in historical perspective.
December 2007
GWT Security Talk
Billy Hoffman is a wild man when it comes to exploiting JavaScript and HTTP. Watching him twiddle the bits with Firebug was a pleasure. But this talk was more about Ajax security (and really, Browser/Webapp security) than GWT security.
June 2007
Google Gears Security Thoughts
The new Google Gears comes with a long set of security warnings and disclaimers. Nitesh Dhanjani over at O'Reilly's ONLamp.com had some initial thoughts about the security of Google Gears:
(3 marks)