Frozen - A Musical feat. Disney Princesses - YouTube
flesh and blood Disney princesses advocating... spending more time outdoors and getting things done... without waiting for a prince
Sikh Woman Harnaam Kaur Embraces Facial Hair Despite Bullying That Left Her Suicidal (VIDEO, PICTURES)
a woman's fight for making her facial hair accepted in her community
Mom Writes Horrifying Response To Birthday Party Invite From Kid With Gay Dads
vMom Writes Horrifying Response To Birthday Party Invite
Sociological Images (socimages) on Pinterest
Sociological Images (socimages) on Pinterest
Le selfie d’un couple gay avec ses enfants divise le Web - Elle
Le selfie d’un couple gay avec ses enfants divise le Web
Un clip qui dénonce les excès de Photoshop fait le buzz - Elle
Un clip qui dénonce les excès de Photoshop
Dove's new "Selfie" short: Premieres at Sundance, makes us think about moms, daughters, and body image.
Selfie, ''Girl-power'' viral ad ?
GoldieBlox commercial rewrites the Beastie Boys, urges young girls to pursue engineering, is fabulous.
commercial from a toy company called GoldieBlox, which has developed a set of interactive books and games to “disrupt the pink aisle and inspire the future generation of female engineers.”
The Mask You Live In | The Representation Project
Des notions de "virilité" / "masculinité" aux US et de l'éducation des garçons.
cool !
(14 marks)