public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from arnet

October 2006

September 2006

Loique Jemeur Blog

by 6 others (via)
Les médias traditionnels diffusent des messages. Les blogueurs vont au café du commerce.

H2O Playlist

by 7 others (via)
H2O est une plate-forme «open source » qui permet de rassembler et de mettre en contact professeurs, étudiants, chercheurs et professionnels.

August 2006

Frets On Fire - Guitar heroes for windows & linux

by 4 others
Frets on Fire is a game of musical skill and fast fingers. The aim of the game is to play guitar with the keyboard as accurately as possible.

July 2006

Renaud Donnedieu De Vabres : “il paraît que c’est le Web2.0″

“Ensemble construisons un Internet de contenus où l’uniformisation cède la place à la diversité : il paraît que c’est le Web 2.0.“

Barbie Intolerance Collection

by 4 others
collection de montage avec barbie...

June 2006

La méthode TechCrunch : petites affaires entre amis

by 3 others, 1 comment
Il y a sans doute quelque chose de pourris dans le web 2.0 francais !

What the difference between Google Earth/Maps and France's Geoportail?

by 1 other, 1 comment
  1. 1. Geoportail isn't comprehensive.
  2. 2. Geoportail doesn't actually work.
  3. 3. You have to pay for Geoportail in France, even if you don't use it.
  4. 4. Les Mashups? Non, pas ici.
  5. 5. Front page does not have search.

FootieFox :: Mozilla Add-ons :: Add Features to Mozilla Software

Soccer scores for today's matches of many European leagues - live and almost instantly.

Assistance en ligne Free

by 1 other, 2 comments
la hotline de free gratuite


Personalized film recommendation engine


Digg with India specific community site

Stylish firefox extension

by 1 other (via)
Stylish allows easy management of user styles. User styles empower your browsing experience by letting you fix ugly sites, customize the look of your browser or mail client, or just have fun.

Mondial 2006

blog de libé sur le mondial 2006

Le Blog du WIMAX

by 1 other
Toutes les informations sur la technologie large bande 802.16

arnet's TAGS


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***   activisme   ajax   art   article   bd   bittorrent   blog   blogs   bookmark   bookmarks   business   collaboratif   communautés   critique   digg   email   europe   extension   extensions   firefox   flash   flickr   flock   france   free   freebox   funny   games   generator   gmail   google   google map   google maps   google talk   greasemonkey   guide   hacks   hosting   humour   im   internet   itunes   jeux vidéo   lang:en   lang:fr   liberation   livres   magazine   map   maps   microsoft   mobiles   mp3   music   musique   news   écologie   économie   online   open source   outils   p2p   partage   pdf   photos   plugin   podcast   podcasting   politique   privacy   radio   recherche   reviews   rss   science   search   service   share   site   skype   social   software   tags   tech   technorati   tools   torrent   transnets   tv   video   voip   web   web2.0   wifi   windows   wordpress   yahoo