09 August 2006 10:00
A Death in The Family?
Audrey Wylfing makes her first special offer from the Frog End blog - a chance to commemorate a dead relative free of charge. All she asks is a link to increase her readership
16 July 2006 06:15
Messages from Beyond the Grave
Are you plagued with spam from dead people? Who would you leave a message for to be delivered after your demise? Audrey Wylfing from Frog End examines the legal and practical implications of post-mortal emailing.
15 July 2006 09:15
Gravestones by the Road to Recovery
Near to death? Audrey Wylfing reveals how musing on the Four Last things can be much more fun on the Internet. Email your family from beyond the grave or take a quick flight with Last Minute dot com.
(3 marks)