August 2005
July 2005
June 2005
Mac4ever - InVisibles 1.4.3
(via)A lot of invisible files are on Mac OS X. Sometimes, i.e. to change serverfiles or prefs, it is useful to make them visible.
May 2005
: : Speak Up > Tech Tuesday: Conceptualize, Organize, and Diagram : :
by 2 others (via)Cet article donne un apercu de 16 logiciels pour Mac ayant pour vocation de vous aider à gérer les informations présentes sur votre poste.
March 2005
Notational Velocity
by 1 otherNotational Velocity is an application that stores and retrieves notes.
A Simple Standards-Based Slide Show System
by 25 others (via)S5 is a slide show format based entirely on XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With one file, you can run a complete slide show and have a printer-friendly version as well. The markup used for the slides is very simple, highly semantic, and completely accessible.
(8 marks)