public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bcpbcp with tag blogs

February 2006

Linkology - How the Most-Linked-To Blogs Relate

There are upwards of 27 million blogs in the world. To discover how they relate to one another, we’ve taken the most-linked-to 50 and mapped their connections. Each arrow represents a hypertext link that was made sometime in the past 90 days. Think of those links as votes in an endless global popularity poll. Many blogs vote for each other: “blogrolling.” Some top-50 sites don’t have any links from the others shown here, usually because they are big in Japan, China, or Europe—regions still new to the phenomenon.

Site nacional divulga produtores de jogos do Brasil - 11/02/2006 - PC - UOL Jogos

O site brasileiro TILT Online, em parceria com a Minimidia, criou duas páginas para divulgar o desenvolvimento de jogos no Brasil. A idéia é ter links para sites, blogs e tudo mais que for relacionado ao tema.

January 2006

Web 2.0 Workgroup - A network of Web 2.0 resources

by 32 others
The Web 2.0 Workgroup is a network of premium weblogs that write content about the new generation of the Web. Combined, these sites reach a large readership of influential technology and media professionals. If you would like to subscribe to all of these blogs, download and import the OPML file into your favorite RSS reader. NEW! Check out an OPML mash-up of the Workgroup, by J Wynia using our OPML file plus the Yahoo Search API.

game girl advance: The Five Biggest Trends of 2005

The end of the year is upon us, and enough blogs and news sites have already written great articles on the best games of the year. Therefore, instead of being lost amongst the white noise of award features, I'd like to point out a few trends which I felt were especially important during 2005.

November 2005

10 Most Powerful Women in Blogging » Jack of All Blogs

Keeping to our policy of being controversial and well just plain silly. We rank the 10 most powerful women in the blogging industry

October 2005

Sete motivos para um professor criar um blog

A intenção é trazer para cá algumas das idéiasque a gente vê perdidas pelo mundo — real ou virtual

Web 2.0 Workgroup - A network of Web 2.0 resources

by 27 others
The Web 2.0 Workgroup is a network of premium weblogs that write content exclusively about the new generation of the Web. Combined, these sites reach a large readership of influential technology and media professionals.

no mínimo | .Comportamento | Blog: web com rótulo

Blog: contra��o de weblog (web log). Assunto batido, n�o? Tentou entend�-los?

Social Bookmarking Tools (I): A General Review

by 46 others
With the introduction of new social software applications such as blogs, wikis, newsfeeds, social networks, and bookmarking tools (the subject of this paper), the claim that Shelley Powers makes in a Burningbird blog entry [1] seems apposite: "This is the user's web now, which means it's my web and I can make the rules." Reinvention is revolution – it brings us always back to beginnings.

Deep Thoughts at Web 2.0

by 1 other
Our definition of a feed that mattered, out of the millions of blogs and other sites with feeds out there, was one with at least one subscriber on Bloglines.

:: Último Segundo - Blogs estimulam aprendizado no Rio Grande do Sul

Na cidade ga�cha Nova Bassano, com 8 mil habitantes, alunos de oitava s�rie, n�vel m�dio e t�cnico est�o melhorando seu rendimento e expandindo suas experi�ncias em sala de aula a partir do uso da tecnologia. O uso de blogs e outras ferramentas tornou-se recorrente, servindo de exemplo para os demais professores da regi�o. A iniciativa � da professora Marli Dagnese, coordenadora do laborat�rio de inform�tica educativa do Col�gio Estadual Padre Colbachini, subordinado ao N�cleo de Tecnologia Educacional (NTE) de Bento Gon�alves.