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PUBLIC MARKS from benoit with tag api



Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life - Google GData: A Uniform Web API for All Google Services

Contrast this with the API efforts on Yahoo! Developer Network or Windows Live Dev which are an inconsistent glop of incompatible RESTful protocols, SOAP APIs and XML-RPC methods all under the same roof. In the Google case, an app that can read and write data to Blogger can also do so to Google Calendar or Picasa Web Albums with minimal changes.

O'Reilly Radar > Six Basic Truths of Free APIs

by 2 others

Amazon and Google have recently shattered a common misconception: that free APIs are a commons of goodies to be built on top of for fun and profit, like open source software. If you think that, then here are six things you need to know about free APIs:

Flickr: Flickr API

by 6 others

We are rolling out a new feature called "machine tags" that allows users to be more precise in how they tag, and how they search, their photos.


Google Calendar Data API

by 9 others
Google Calendar allows client applications to view and update calendar events in the form of Google data API ("GData") feeds. Your client application can use the Google Calendar data API to create new events, edit or delete existing events, and query for events that match particular criteria.


A RESTful Web service, an example : Paul James

by 2 others
Interface REST pour l'API de

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