April 2009
The Next Killer App is to Twitter as 1-2-3 was to Visicalc (Scripting News)
See, that's what I really think Twitter is -- a Network Construction Kit for Real People.
February 2009
January 2009
O'Reilly Network: Jon Udell: Instant Outlining, Instant Gratification
Radio.Outliners.Com : Instant Outliner Beta Notes
December 2008
Twitter / Mitternacht: @underflow_ Twitter c'est ...
August 2008
May 2008
Twitter: Now As Powerful as “The Clapper”
A VC: From Twittergram to SwitchABit
ExactlyWhich points out the issues and the opportunity with something like SwitchABit. A "bit router" is a very cool concept but to make it really useful, the team will need to understand a lot about why people put their digital content in various places. For example, I don't really want all of my twitter posts going to Facebook, my blog's twitter badge, and Tumblr. But I'd like some of them to go there. I don't want all my photos I send to twitter to go to Flickr, but I want some of them to go there. I don't want all my tumblr posts to go to this blog, but I'd love some of them to go there.