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PUBLIC MARKS from chantal with tag oop


Class Inheritance with PHP

There are many benefits of inheritance with PHP, the most common is simplifying and reducing instances of redundant code. Class inheritance may sound complicated, but think of it this way. Consider a tree. A tree is made up of many parts, such as the roots that reside in the ground, the trunk, bark, branches, leaves, etc. Essentially inheritance is a connection between a child and its parent.


PHP5 Exception Use Guidelines

Exceptions provide one solution to error handling in programming languages. Exception handling is the major alternative to the usage of special error return codes to signal a function call failure.

You're being lied to

If you're among the crowd who have migrated an OOP based application from PHP4 to PHP5, then I'm sure you've heard the expression "Objects are copied by reference by default in PHP5". Whoever told you that, was lying.


Prototype JavaScript Framework

by 96 others
Class-style OO, Ajax, and more

No Starch Press Home Page

Livre "object-oriented PHP" Par Peter Lavin


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