public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from clochix with tag floss

February 2007

Mylar Mantis Connector

This project is an eclipse Mylar Repository plug-in for the Mantis Bug Tracking application using the Mantis Connect SOAP interface.

January 2007

MogileFS: open source distributed filesystem.

by 10 others
Un système de fichier distribué, sorte de RAID en réseau

DJabberd: XMPP server where everything is a plugin.

by 1 other
DJabberd is a high-performance, scalable, extensible Jabber/XMPP server framework. While it comes with an example server, it's really a set of classes for you to build your own Jabber server without understanding Jabber. Instead of working with XML and protocol-specific details, you subclass parts and work with sane objects and data structures and let DJabberd do all the ugly work.

Nikto: web server security scanner

by 7 others
Nikto is an Open Source (GPL) web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including over 3200 potentially dangerous files/CGIs, versions on over 625 servers, and version specific problems on over 230 servers. Scan items and plugins are frequently updated and can be automatically updated (if desired).

Wapiti - Web application security auditor

by 13 others
Wapiti allows you to audit the security of your web applications. It performs "black-box" scans, i.e. it does not study the source code of the application but will scans the webpages of the deployed webapp, looking for scripts and forms where it can inject data. Once it gets this list, Wapiti acts like a fuzzer, injecting payloads to see if a script is vulnerable.

PHP Security Scanner project official website

by 1 other
PHP Security Scanner is a tool written in PHP intended to search PHP code for vulnarabilities. MySQL DB stores patterns to search for as well as the results from the search. The tool can scan any directory on the file system.

Rephlux - A continuous integration tool for PHP

by 3 others
Rephlux is a PHP based tool for running a continuous testing/build process on your project and taking action based on the outcome of your tests. It is inspired by the Java based CruiseControl[1].

Visitors - fast web log analyzer

by 6 others
Visitors is a very fast web log analyzer

Tsung - framework libre pour tests de performance

by 6 others
Tsung est un outil permettant de réaliser des tests de charge distribués. Il est indépendant du protocole utilisé et peut actuellement être utilisé pour mesurer les performances de serveurs Jabber / XMPP, mais également de serveur HTTP, SOAP et PostgreSQL. Développé sous la forme d'un framework extensible, Tsung peut être utilisé pour générer de test de performance à une large échelle, avec un très grand réalisme, à partir d'un nombre limité de machines.

TIBCO General Interface™ Ajax Rich Internet Application Resource Center

by 1 other
Libraries and visual tooling for creating Ajax Rich Internet Applications (Ajax RIA)

Software Wars

by 1 other
A map depicting the epic struggle of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) against the Empire of Microsoft.

KDirStat : graphical disk usage utility

KDirStat is a graphical disk usage utility, very much like the Unix "du" command. In addition to that, it comes with some cleanup facilities to reclaim disk space. While KDirStat is a KDE program, it runs fine on every X11 desktop, i.e., it runs on Linux, BSD, and lots of other Unix-type systems (Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, ...).

GD Map - A tool to visualize disk space

GdMap is a tool which allows to visualize disk space.

Geany, small and fast IDE

by 4 others
Geany is a text editor using the GTK2 toolkit with basic features of an integrated development environment. It was developed to provide a small and fast IDE, which has only a few dependencies from other packages. It supports many filetypes and has some nice features.

Redland RDF Libraries

Redland is a set of free software libraries that provide support for the Resource Description Framework (RDF)

Apache Lenya - Open Source Content Management (Java/XML)

by 5 others
Apache Lenya is an Open Source Java/XML Content Management System and comes with revision control, site management, scheduling, search, WYSIWYG editors, and workflow.

December 2006

WYMeditor - éditeur XHTML conforme aux standards du web

by 7 others, 2 comments
WYMeditor est un éditeur de texte en ligne libre qui se concentre sur la structure des documents plus que sur leur forme, et produit du code XHTML strict.

THELIA: boutique en ligne libre

by 5 others
THELIA est un logiciel évolutif de Commerce Electronique. Thelia a pour avantage, par rapport à des logiciels comme OS-Commerce (que nous proposons aussi) d’être entièrement personnalisable et paramétrable par notre équipe ou par des webagency. Les pages construites peuvent s’ouvrir dans Dreamweaver par exemple sans que le code ou la mise en page soit déstructurée. Cela permet à des webdesigners ou des intégrateurs de travailler les squelettes de bases sans pour autant développer des lignes de codes. Pour cela le système de squelette (cher à SPIP par exemple) a été utilisé et le code est séparé de la mise en page.

WagN: a deep merger of wiki and tagging

WagN is a deep merger of wiki and tagging—not just a wiki with tagging, but wiki and tags all mashed up together. WagN can do everything a regular wiki can do- but it can also handle data in a way that regular wikis can’t. * WagN is made of cards A card is a chunk of information. * Cards can be connected Whenever two cards are related, you can “connect” them, creating a new card to explain the relationship. * Cards are named with tags A tag is basically just a word or phrase. Every tag has a card that explains it, and every card has a title comprised of one or more tags. A simple card's title is a single tag, while a connection card has a title built from multiple tags.

Jena Semantic Web Framework

by 1 other
Jena is a Java framework for building Semantic Web applications. It provides a programmatic environment for RDF, RDFS and OWL, SPARQL and includes a rule-based inference engine. Jena is open source and grown out of work with the HP Labs Semantic Web Programme. The Jena Framework includes: * A RDF API * Reading and writing RDF in RDF/XML, N3 and N-Triples * An OWL API * In-memory and persistent storage * SPARQL query engine

SemWebCentral Home Page

by 1 other
SemWebCentral is an Open Source development web site for the Semantic Web. One purpose of SemWebCentral is to support the Semantic Web community by providing a free, centralized place for Open Source developers to manage Semantic Web software and content development. The other purpose is to provide resources for developers or other interested parties to learn about the Semantic Web and how to begin developing Semantic Web content and software.

DOME . DERI Ontology Management Environment

The DERI Ontology Management Environment (DOME) is developed by the Ontology Management Working Group (OMWG). The mission is to create a suite for the efficient and effective management of ontologies The Ontology Management suite will comprise tooling support for Editing & Browsing, Versioning & Evolution, Mapping & Merging that will be offered in the form of freely combinable Eclipse Plug-ins. It will make use of an ontology-neutral API that will provide access to different ontology repositories and reasoning engines.

gPhoto - logiciel libre de manipulation de photos numériques

gPhoto2 is a free, redistributable, ready to use set of digital camera software applications for Unix-like systems, written by a whole team of dedicated volunteers around the world. It supports more than 800 cameras

UFRaw : manipulation d'images au format RAW

The Unidentified Flying Raw (UFRaw) is a utility to read and manipulate raw images from digital cameras. It can be used on its own or as a Gimp plug-in.

clochix's TAGS related to tag floss

ai +   ajax +   analyser +   apache + +   benchmark +   bts +   c# +   camera +   cas +   cms +   collaboration +   comparison +   continuous_integration +   cpl +   cyc +   database +   development +   digital +   directory +   disk +   distributed +   e-commerce +   eclipse +   ecm +   economic +   editor +   engine +   europe +   filesystem +   framework +   ged +   gimp +   gpl +   graphical +   gtk +   ide +   image +   integration +   intégration_continue +   java +   km +   knowledge_base +   library +   linux +   log +   lucene +   manipulation +   mantis +   microsoft +   mono +   mylar +   network +   online +   ontology +   owl +   performance +   perl +   php +   plugin +   professional +   programming +   Project_Management +   python +   raw +   rcs +   rdf +   rdfs +   report +   ressource +   ria +   ruby +   scm +   search +   security +   semantic +   server +   software +   space +   SPARQL +   spreadsheet +   sso +   store +   tag +   test +   tool +   tools +   tv +   usage +   use +   war +   wcm +   web +   wiki +   windows +   workflow +   xhtml +   xml +   xmpp +   xp +