public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from cyberien with tag influence

February 2007

Nuzizo Online City

NUZIZO City is a culture engine designed to harness the genius of its dynamic citizens. It is a powerful resource for those who live here and those who choose to visit. Nuzizo buzzes with the energy of People from every walk of Life, all living in neighborhoods reflecting the rich diversity of human experience. Nuzizo is a place to realize connection. A place to create and explore. A place to influence thought, style, art, and the culture at large. A place to individually and collectively re-imagine how the world can be. NUZIZO. One world. One city.

November 2006

BuzzLogic: The Science of Influence

by 2 others
Influence moves markets. It’s a basic tenet of marketing. But until now, it’s been impossible to understand influence -- and who wields it -- within specific conversations taking place in social media. BuzzLogic changes this dynamic by uniquely defining and measuring influence in social media, and by surfacing the key influencers who are shaping and defining markets, issues and reputations. Through the lens of influence, BuzzLogic provides a means for marketing and communications practitioners to engage with social media in order to manage their brands, reputations, products and customer relationships. As a result, the confusion that has characterized social media is replaced by clarity – marketers can make sense of the conversations they care about. And they can do something about them. At BuzzLogic, our mission is to apply the science of influence to the world of social media. This requires keen insight into dynamic conversational networks, a methodology premised on the idea that influence is in and of itself dynamic, and an ability to identify which participants in conversations are gaining or losing influence over time. This is very different than “blogger A-lists” or other imprecise measures that can identify only who is popular, but not who is influential. And it is very different from the brand monitoring and analysis services that can describe what a small sample of bloggers was thinking a few weeks ago, not what is happening right now. Only BuzzLogic brings both clarity and confidence to action in social media. BuzzLogic’s service enables brand and product marketing managers, corporate communications professionals, market researchers and customer service managers to actively monitor conversations that are taking place around their company, brand, products or competitors. They can quickly identify who the most influential participants of a conversation are. And they can engage with them to offer an alternative point of view, amplify key points or set the record straight. Once they are participants themselves in a conversation, they can then follow, track and understand the impact of their actions

Cymfony: Market Influence Analytics

Marketing and PR are no longer one way communication channels. People talk back to brands and companies on blogs, discussion boards, and an ever-evolving array of “consumer-generated media” formats. Sometimes they praise, sometimes they criticize, sometimes they even rant. The message the company intends to send may not be the same the consumer takes away after absorbing the spectrum of perspectives created online. The key point communicated may be stronger, or it may be weaker, but it surely changes. This is what Cymfony calls Influence 2.0.™ Because messages are no longer one-way…because the reaction they stimulate becomes part of the message...measuring where a message appears and how many people see it is no longer enough. Companies need to capture the richness of the dialogue among people to understand how a message evolves.

cyberien's TAGS related to tag influence

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