October 2008
SitePoint Blogs » JavaScript Event Delegation is Easier than You Think
If you’re into adding a little JavaScript interactivity to your web pages you may have heard of JavaScript event delegation and thought it was one of those convoluted design patterns only hardcore JavaScript programmers worry about. The truth is, if you already know how to add JavaScript event handlers, it’s a snap to implement.
September 2008
Galleria- a Javascript Image Gallery
Galleria - is a javascript image gallery written in jQuery. The core of Galleria lies in it’s smart preloading behaviour, snappiness and the fresh absence of obtrusive design elements.
July 2008
Pencil, un clone open source de Visio pour créer des maquettes de sites ou d’applications | Korben
by 1 otherPencil vous permettra en effet de dessiner toute sorte d’interfaces utilisateur de manière très simple. Créer la maquette d’un site ou d’un programme est vraiment simple.
(3 marks)