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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags code & api


JSON - What is JSON? An Introduction and Guide for Beginners

in this JSON tutorial and guide, I’m attempting to provide a fairly comprehensive discussion of JSON, its history, and its usefulness. I’ll close with a list of some practical JSON tools that might come in handy in future projects. JSON Defined JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and it’s a data format. That is, it’s a way to hold bits of information, similar to a database. Although JSON originated outside the ECMAScript specification, it is now closely related to JavaScript with the spec now including a JSON object and many developers incorporating it as a quasi-subset of the language.

jQUERY - JAVASCRIPT - jQuery udraggable Plugin

jquery.udraggable.js This plugin provides an API similar to jQueryUI's draggable but with support for unified mouse and touch events. It builds on Michael S. Mikowski's jquery.event.ue unified event plugin.


FLICKT - mars 2015 - Introducing the New! Shiny ! Photolist framework -

Some photolist pages on Flickr use infinite scrolling, and some display results one page at a time. Regardless of how a page shows its photos, it starts to feel messy when there is an incomplete row of photos hanging off the end of the page. If there is more content in the set, the last row should be full. However, since we fetch photos from the API in fixed batch sizes, things don’t always work out so nicely, leaving “leftovers” in the bottom row. Borrowing from typesetting terminology, we call these leftover photos orphans. (We can also paginate backwards; leftovers at the top are technically widows but we’ll just keep using the term orphans for simplicity.)

DEV -Code Examples - Google Charts — Google Developers

Here are some code samples to demonstrate using the Google Visualization API. Table Example Customized Table Example Gauge Example Interaction Example Full HTML Page Example Query Wrapper Example Table Query Wrapper Example Mouseover Tool Tip Example



The App Garden on Flickr

by 6 others
Dopiaza's Set Manager by dopiaza Dopiaza's Set Manager is an on-line tool to allow flickr users to automatically create new sets based on a variety of criteria - you can define set...

Avec Yahoo Pipes Vérifiez la présence de ses ISBN dans Amazon (et GBS) - "Encore Un BiblioBlog"

Pourquoi est-ce que j’ai fait ça ? Parce que pour utiliser les API Amazon, il faut avoir une clé Amazon et utiliser les API en question pour un site web. Moi, j’en ai besoin en local, ponctuellement. J’avais pu tester les API LibraryThing pour constater qu’ils couvraient 30% de notre catalogue (sur un échantillon de 1000 ISBN). Je n’avais pas pu le faire pour Amazon. Désormais je sais qu’Amazon couvrirait 94% de nos notices. Pour être plus précis : Amazon a identifié 94% de nos ISBN. En l’état, cela ne me dit pas quel pourcentage de couvertures il peut me proposer, ou de tables des matières, résumés, commentaires, etc. Il faudrait que j’affine l’analyse des réponses que le site donne dans ses listes de résultats.


Flickr Services: Flickr API: a list of photos matching some criteria.

Only photos visible to the calling user will be returned. To return private or semi-private photos, the caller must be authenticated with 'read' permissions, and have permission to view the photos. Unauthenticated calls will only return public photos.

JavaScript DOM__tableau interactif des fonctions disponibles

by 7 others
This API (Application Programming Interface) document has pages corresponding to the items in the navigation bar, described as follows.

WPF Flickr Viewer Using XLINQ[]___ demo application___will be explained one at a time

One contains all the images retrieved from the Flickr RSS feed, and the other Window shows a single image that the user clicked on, contains several controls that the user may use to alter the shown image.

LINQ.Flickr - Home

LINQ.Flickr is a Flickr API that can be used to query (search by tag, literal or user) , insert or delete photos, add/ delete comments, query popular tags, people and more.

Apitrace__windows debug help trace the api calls

ApiTrace is a windows debug help tool. It can be used to trace the api calls, list the parameters and return values for selected api call. It can also pause the app while calling given api for you to do a special work. For example you can pause at the Del

Flickr: Discussing __Flickr API Docs Outline in sidebar [updated 5-Jan] in Flickr Hacks

This is a simple tool to facilitate browsing the Flickr API documentation. Drag this Grazr widget’s link [NEW] and drop it to the Bookmarks Toolbar (you are using Firefox, aren’t you?).