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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags dev & api


DEV - Web developer guides | MDN

Web developer guides. These articles provide how-to information to help you make use of specific technologies and APIs.

JSON - What is JSON? An Introduction and Guide for Beginners

in this JSON tutorial and guide, I’m attempting to provide a fairly comprehensive discussion of JSON, its history, and its usefulness. I’ll close with a list of some practical JSON tools that might come in handy in future projects. JSON Defined JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and it’s a data format. That is, it’s a way to hold bits of information, similar to a database. Although JSON originated outside the ECMAScript specification, it is now closely related to JavaScript with the spec now including a JSON object and many developers incorporating it as a quasi-subset of the language.


FLICKT - mars 2015 - Introducing the New! Shiny ! Photolist framework -

Some photolist pages on Flickr use infinite scrolling, and some display results one page at a time. Regardless of how a page shows its photos, it starts to feel messy when there is an incomplete row of photos hanging off the end of the page. If there is more content in the set, the last row should be full. However, since we fetch photos from the API in fixed batch sizes, things don’t always work out so nicely, leaving “leftovers” in the bottom row. Borrowing from typesetting terminology, we call these leftover photos orphans. (We can also paginate backwards; leftovers at the top are technically widows but we’ll just keep using the term orphans for simplicity.)

DEV -Code Examples - Google Charts — Google Developers

Here are some code samples to demonstrate using the Google Visualization API. Table Example Customized Table Example Gauge Example Interaction Example Full HTML Page Example Query Wrapper Example Table Query Wrapper Example Mouseover Tool Tip Example


FLICKR - WEB Flickr API Forum

Discussion group and support for the Flickr API


corkboard, sticky notes and images | Demo Studio | MDN

simulates a cork board with sticky notes and images, the information is stored using the api of html5 localStorage. simule un panneau de liège avec les notes collantes et des images, l'information est stockée en utilisant l'API de HTML5 localStorage : - Vous n'avez pas besoin d'appuyer sur une touche pour enregistrer les modifications apportées à l'application . Vous pouvez modifier la taille des notes, des images et des commissions . Vous pouvez changer la couleur des notes. Vous pouvez faire glisser les éléments dans le document. Vous pouvez épingler une note avec une pointe Vous pouvez télécharger une image Vous pouvez changer la couleur de fond. -You do not have to press any buttons to save changes to the application. -You can change the size of the notes, images and boards. -You can change the color of the notes. -You can drag items around the document. -You can pin a note with a tack -You can upload a picture -You can change the background color