public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags greasemonkey & screenshot

September 2006

Upcoming Event informationr: GM Script: Flickr Hacks

show details of the event a photo is attached to. This is based on the new tagging notation introduced this week by flickr and upcoming (but also supports the old notation upcoming:event_id): - if the photo does not have an upcoming tag, a se

August 2006

Flickr Groups Organiser - GM Script - Lets you tag your groups on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Flickr Groups Organiser - GM Script - Lets you tag your groups * Original * Medium * Small * Thumbnail * Square Your full list of group tags. Clicking a tag, lists all the groups tagged with that tag. Your full list of group tags. Clicking a tag, lists al

People in this photo_____Yay Hooray! » Flickr Greasemonkeys

Hi friends Sometimes flickr annoys me! So I decided to make some greasemonkeys! homepage.user.js The homepage greasemonkey adds your recent activity to the homepage! It's quite amazing! peopleinthisphoto.user.js People in this photo detects tags like pers

June 2006

Style your contacts on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

This Greasemonkey script adds styling to: 1- photos of your contacts/friends/family and your photos in group pool, 2- comments from your contacts/friends/family, from you and from the photographer of the current photo (this will also work in the recent_ac

Organize Tools on Flickr

o add a menu and links of some external flickr tools to the new Flickr Gamma Organize. This is a similar one to my previous work - GM Super Batch. The new Orgznize is such a cool design and very helpful to collect a batch of photos. So I simply add a new

May 2006

GM Script: all Photos by a User in Pool

Netomer script, that adds links to all photos by a single user in a group pool.

<img src="" border="0" height="16">&nbsp;Flickr Group Comment v0.5 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!&nbsp;<i><small>(</small></i>

The new version of the greasemonkey script: flickr group comment will: - display you the last comments directly in the recent comment page - NEW remember the message you have already read (i.e. displayed in that page with that script) and mark them in ano

<img src="" border="0" height="16">&nbsp;Sets on the Left and More on Flickr - Greasemonkey script: Photo Sharing!&nbsp;<i><small>(</small></i>

This script has options to put the sets back on the left (since everyone is freaking out about that), have two sets per row, and show more total sets. It works on the photos index pages of your photos and other people's.