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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags icone & free


CSS ICONS - Glyphicons - Components · Bootstrap

Glyphicons - Available glyphs - Includes 200 glyphs in font format from the Glyphicon Halflings set. Glyphicons Halflings are normally not available for free, but their creator has made them available for Bootstrap free of cost. As a thank you, we only ask that you include a link back to Glyphicons whenever possible.

CSS - ICON - 10 Free Minimalist Icons

by 1 other
We checked several free icon sets and selected 10 of them to show here to you. These icons sets offer minimalist icons that will give your projects a nice and clean look. Check it out.


41 moteurs de recherche d'Images et Icône que les Webmasters doivent connaitre

Attirer votre attention sur quelques-uns des moteurs de recherche vraiment super que vous sera utile quand il s'agit de recherche d'image et d'icônes. - Moteurs de recherche d'images : EveryStock, PhotoXcavator, Ginipic, GazoPa, FreeFoto,TurboPhoto, Feelimage, oSkope, Incogna, Imagery, ImageBase, Pixolu, Picsearch, Picitup, PicFog, PicFindr, PixsyBiomed... - Recherche d'images : Bing, Compfight, Tiltomo, Altavista, Photogen, Yahoo!, Google, FaceSaerch, Multicolr, PicBrk, PDPhoto, Stock.XCHNG, IconDB, ICONLOOK, Icônes-Search, Iconlet, IconFinder, IconSeeker, Icon Library, EasyIconFinder, Free Icons Web, VeryIcon, IconsPedia...


Deleket icons on deviantART: download outstanding free icon packs

Its not just that the quality of icons is outstanding, but this designer’s prolific output is quite an achievement: I counted thirty icon packs displayed across two gallery pages (with more surely to come soon). More notes on these: