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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags web & tag


Flash OBJECT and EMBED tag attributes

This document is the target of a link in the Flash Lite 4 Porting Guide. Before you archive or unpublish, contact Learning Resources. This document lists the attributes of the OBJECT and EMBED tags used to publish SWF (Flash-enabled) content in HTML pages for display in web browsers. The attributes allow you to specify certain parameters that control the details of how and where Flash Player displays the SWF file in the browser. Information about including Flash-enabled (SWF file) content within web pages is also available in the TechNote OBJECT tag syntax | Flash (tn_4150).


StumbleUpon _______ Social Bookmarking

StumbeUpon installs a toolbar in your browser and lets you collaborative rate content. This improves the recommendations for other users and behavior matching is used to find users like you and pages that you haven't seen before, on-demand. One indicato


Grabbr _____The task of uploading screenshots to Flickr.and yahoo

Grabbr Thursday, June 09, 2005 Screen ShotGrabbr is a small application to smooth the task of uploading screenshots to Flickr. It lives in the inconspicuously in the system tray until such time as you need it. At which point you hit CTRL+F12 and it spring