April 2006
March 2006
Internet-Draft: Sieve Email Filtering -- Regular Expression Extension - draft-ietf-sieve-regex-00 - K. Murchison, Carnegie Mellon University - February 22, 2006 - Expires: August 26, 2006
"The regular expression matching mechanism defined in this draft should allow users to isolate just about any string or address in a message header or envelope".
Internet Draft : IMAP Regular Expressions SEARCH Extension - draft-ietf-imapext-regex-00 - R. Gellens, QUALCOMM - March 2000 - Expires: September 2000
"This memo describes a regular-expression search facility for the [IMAP] protocol".
January 2006
[microformats-discuss] A 10 line script to identify and process any microformat | Alf Eaton | Thu Jul 28 17:48:26 PDT 2005
"The problem with all of these approaches is that once you want to parse or extract more than one microformat, you have to check each element of the page for each of a big list of possible classnames".
September 2005
August 2005
(10 marks)