April 2007
Dietary Supplements – Botanicals
What is a botanical? The study of plants is called botany, so a botanical is a plant, or part thereof, that is valued for its medicinal or therapeutic properties. Some people groups have used these botanical – or herbal - supplements for thousands of years to alleviate some conditions.
Tips for Planning Your Butterfly Garden
When creating a butterfly garden, the possibilities of what to include in your butterfly garden design are endless. Below are some suggestions to help get you started when designing your butterfly garden plan. They are designed to spark the creative process of your mind and get you started on your way to creating a lovely and well-suited butterfly garden.
March 2007
Pleasurable Rose Gardening
Pleasurable rose gardening is what we are all looking for, not true? Before a rose becomes a bloom, it has to begin somewhere as a plain and innocent bud, unnoticed and enjoying its life along with the other buds. It all starts here in the rose garden, where the roses evolve.
Rose Garden Tips
If you are a novice rose gardener and have never planted roses before, these basic rose garden tips will help you start of. Roses ultimately love sunshine, so provide them with the best spot possible and make sure they receive at least 6 hours of sunshine every day.
Say It With Roses
Many women and even several men know the value of sending flowers for special occasions. More than any other flower, roses are seen as the ultimate symbol of love and affection. But what many people don't seem to know is the symbolism behind the roses themselves - they just buy what looks pretty.
February 2007
Rose Secrets
We need to go back thousands of years into the history of cultivated roses. According to fossil evidence, rose plants have existed for approximately 35 million years. Wild roses are known to be hardy and adaptable plants which grow in conditions ranging from swampy to arid and can therefore tolerate the extreme climates of the northern hemisphere.
The Growing Of Vegetable Plants - Gardening Insider Tips
A vegetable garden is admittedly a part of any home place that has a good rear area. A purchased vegetable is never the same as one taken from a man's own soil and representing his own effort and solicitude.
January 2007
Free eBook - 101 Tips for Growing and Enjoying Your Own Great Rose Garden
This is a great book giving 101 helpful tips for growing your own rose garden.
November 2006
All About garden home party Online
Learn to garden with our experts.
Types Of Roses
Although there are several rose classification schemes presently used throughout the world, probably the most popular system is that which was proposed by The American Rose Society. Regardless of this, the majority of societies have adopted to this one.
How to choose bonsai herbs
Laurus Nobilis or the sweet bay laurel is an aromatic tree with evergreen shrubs. In nature, the tree grows up to 40-feet tall in warm areas. When the tree is potted however, it only grows a few feet at a slow pace.
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