January 2015
Yellow Lab Tools - Outil en ligne + logiciel libre : métriques sur la perfomance web
by 2 othersopen source project It lets you test a webpage (via an URL) and detects performance and front-end code quality issues.
This is done by loading the webpage via PhantomJS and collecting various metrics and statistics with the help of Phantomas. These metrics are categorized and transformed into scores. It also gives in-depth details so developpers can correct the detected issues.
October 2014
A curated list of Web Performance Optimization (Awesome WPO - GitHub)
by 1 otherEveryone can contribute here ! Docs, Blogs, Talks, Analyzers, Analyzers API, Benchmark (CSS-JS), Bookmarklets, CDN, Image Optimizers, Loaders ...
(2 marks)