public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from fastclemmy with tag web





Home | Email Standards Project

by 22 others
The Email Standards Project works with email client developers and the design community to improve web standards support and accessibility in email.

LukeW: Primary & Secondary Actions in Web Forms

by 3 others
I’ve had the pleasure of working with London-based usability firm Etre on several eye-tracking and usability studies focused on specific aspects of Web form design. One of these tests focused on the distinction between primary and secondary actions.


isolani - Web Accessibility: Accessibility in Trouble

by 1 other
This is a series of blog posts outlining the problems I see within the web accessibility community. Its clear that the web accessibility community has been on a downward spiral for over a year now, but its not entirely clear why.

shotbot v1

by 4 others
Shotbot est un système automatisé de génération de vignettes jpeg à partir de pages HTML, à destination des webmasters. Ses principales caractéristiques sont l'affichage d'un premier rendu en moins de 15 secondes, ainsi que la prise en charge des extensions flash.

Comment illustrer le "Corporate" ?

by 3 others
Voici le Top 10 des clichés Corporate. (tellement vrai !)

CSS News : CSS Web standard et l'accessibilité xhtml css

Regroupement d'informations sur le CSS, le Web standard, et l'accessibilité.

Web based or not ? at Few Against Many

by 1 other
Does it makes sense to get everything running inside a browser ?

Ce que votre firme de communication ne vous dit pas (ou ne sait pas) à propos du web

by 5 others
Des portes ouvertes enfoncées sur la conception web qu'il est bon de relire à l'occasion.

Variable fixed width layout | clagnut/blog

There’s an different approach to web page layout which is gradually getting some traction. The idea is that the layout is changed to best accommodate the window size. As you might expect, it is accomplished by using JavaScript to change the CSS of the webpage. Here are some examples:


Je Comprends

by 10 others
L’annuaire des tutoriaux francophones du Web

Digital Web Magazine - 10 Reasons Clients Don't Care About Accessibility

by 6 others
Our clients simply don’t care about accessibility as much as we’d like them to, and there are several reasons for that. Understanding MVC in PHP

by 6 others
This article series demonstrates how to build an MVC web framework using PHP 5.

Revue I3

Une Revue en Sciences du Traitement de l'Information - Hors Série 2004 sur le Web Sémantique

Get Tooled Up:'Evaluating Web Sites for Accessibility with Firefox', Ariadne Issue 44

by 6 others
Patrick H. Lauke outlines how Mozilla Firefox can be used in conjunction with the Web Developer Toolbar to carry out a preliminary accessibility review.

sIFR, TrueType, and PostScript fonts - FONTSMACK

by 5 others
FONTSMACK is a repository of sIFR fonts along with TrueType and PostScript fonts. sIFR fonts are Macromedia Flash files (SWFs) that you can easily drop into your site. Instantly, you’ll have custom designed fonts that make your web site POP! If you are new to using sIFR or aren’t even sure what it is, be sure to check out the sIFR Resources and the about page.