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PUBLIC MARKS from feision with tag performancing

04 August 2006

Ruby on Rails - officail site

by 52 others
Rails is a full-stack framework for developing database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern. From the Ajax in the view, to the request and response in the controller, to the domain model wrapping the database, Rails gives you a pure-Ruby development environment. To go live, all you need to add is a database and a web server.

31 July 2006

Mozilla Taiwan 討論區: [推薦套件]Performancing-在FF上發表blog

用 WP 和 MT 架設的網站也可以選擇下面的 Custom 來設定。 另外 樂多日誌好像有支援 XMLRPC 的樣子,應該也可以用 MT Custom ========= 如果有人試出了怎樣用custon模式支援樂多或是其他國內blog站台,麻煩請提供出來,我也想知道。 ========== 樂多的話,選 Custom Blog>Movable Type 在位址列中輸入: ,然後在下個畫面打入你的帳號密碼就OK啦~

performancing | kzeng's stupid words


Performancing for Firefox |

by 23 others
Performancing for Firefox is a full featured blog editor that sits right within Firefox * Works with all major blog software * Easy WYSIWYG Editing * Trackback, Technorati and support

26 July 2006

海潮之歌:Performancing -- Bloggers必備的Firefox套件

Performancing -- Bloggers必備的Firefox套件 Performancing for Firefox毫無疑問的,Firefox乃2005年最紅的網路瀏覽器,在坊間電腦雜誌裡,每個月都能看到關於它的介紹,這些報導清一色也會順便談及部份好用的擴充套件,以充篇幅,甚至還有將一堆擴充套件打包好,讓初學者下載安裝一次完成。 我並不贊同初次接觸Firefox就裝擴充套件,Firefox能在Mozilla系列脫穎而出,是因為脫掉臃腫的外衣,恢復Gecko成像引擎該有的速度及穩定性,才博得眾人的眼光,若裝上過多擴充套件,豈不是又走回頭路。擴充套件不是不能裝,但應有所選擇,真正常用再裝,以減輕系統負荷。畢竟它只是上網的工具,何必弄得像萬花筒一般

feision's TAGS related to tag performancing

blog system +   Blog Tech +   blog tools +   ruby on rails +   technorati +   wait to read +   wait to tag +   wait to visist +   web tech +   xml-rpc +   zoundry +